Chapter 23

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When I woke up the next morning harry was still beside me and I couldn't help but smile, waking up to him will never get old.

I just lay there starting at him, his face was flawless and I still get annoyed at myself that I spent so much time fussing over jake when harry has been infront of me the whole time.

I decided I missed his eyes and voice so I began tracing his tattoos, starting with the swallows, he stirred but didn't wake, I put my hand under the cover and trace the butterfly he mumbled something I didn't understand, I giggled then moved my hand further down to the leaves my fingers swiped across the band of his boxers and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hello beautiful" he croaked with his heavenly morning voice.

"Hi" I smiled.

He opened his mouth to speak but shut it again when his phone made a noise.

He turned over and grabbed it, he read the message before replying to it quickly then putting his phone back.

"What were you going to say?" I asked.

"Oh um... just that I have to pop out today" he said avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, do you want me to come?" I asked.

"Oh I um.. I think I'll be okay, I won't be long" he kissed my forehead then hopped out of bed.

I was beyond confused at his weird behaviour, I wanted to ask him where he's going and what for but I trust him enough to know he's not going to do anything stupid.



I hated lying to her, but I had to, she can't know where I'm going, she'd try stop me and demand me to tell her why I'm going.

Once I was dressed, I said my farewell trying not to seem sketchy and left her house.

I got in my car and drove to where he asked me to meet him.

The message was off jake telling me to meet him straight away because it's important, I know exactly what this is going to be about and if he starts running his mouth about it im going to have to kick off because I will tell her when I want.

I pulled up in the deserted car park and saw him leaning on his bonnet, waiting for me, I parked next to him and got out.

"Why was this needed? I've just had to leave her with all sorts of stuff running threw her head" I spat.

"Well tell her" he shrugged.

"No, it's doesn't matter now because I'm the one she needs to be with and you know that and why" I raised my voice.

"But she thinks I'm the biggest dickhead to ever exist because she doesn't know and she means a lot to me and what she thinks about me is important and right now she hates me and you have to fix it" he stood up straight.

"I will tell her when I thinks right"

"Well you must of gave this some thought, when is the right time to tell her" he chuckled.

"After the baby is born, she doesn't need the stre-"

"No fuck off, that's ages away, she needs to know before then" he shook his head.

"Will you listen, that night she was in the hospital and you were pissed I was going to tell her but the doctor said she can't get stressed it will hurt the baby so I decided against it"

"You know how I feel about that baby, so you will tell her or I will" he threatened.

"Are you seriously threatening me" I laughed. "you weren't arsed about this, you were more than happy to forget it about it, you only started giving a fuck when she got pregnant and now in doing the right thing, so stay the fuck away from her and the baby from now on, I will tell her her I know is right you're no longer a part of her life" I said, before he could say anything else I got into my car and sped off.

I was fuming, how dare he think he has a say in this, yes it does involve him but he doesn't get to say when I tell lucy, that's on my behalf and I'll do it when I want to.

To make up for my shitty exit this morning, I'm gonna buy her something to make up for it.

I drive into town and head straight for a shop that I know will hopefully make her happy.


When I got back to her house I ran straight up stairs with her presents behind my back.

When I walked in she was still lying in bed on her phone.

"Hiya" I said, announcing my arrival.

"Yeah" she mumbled not taking her eyes off her phone.

"Look at me" I sat at the end of the bed.

She sighed before dropping her phone and fixing her eyes on me.

"I'm sorry for how I left this morning and I have no excuse for it and I can't tell you just yet but I will soon okay baby, but I figured I'd buy you something to hopefully make you happy"

She just kept starring at me, I knew she was seriously annoyed at me but I also know her hormones are a big part of her attitude right now.

I pulled the two bags with 'pandora' written on them, and passed then too her.

Without a word she picked up the smallest bag first taking which I was hoping she would, the small square box out and lifted the lid.

"I got you this because you are my princess" I told her as she inspected the ring in the shape if a crown.

"It's such an amazing idea" she smiled wildly.

"There is another thing in that bag" I said.

She took out the other box the same size, this time revealing a ring with her birth stone in it.

"I love it thank-you harry" she went to hug me but I stopped her.

"Look in the other bag" I smiled.

"What there's more" she laughed.

"Of course, I think you'll like this one the most, well I'm hoping" I chuckled nervously.

She pulled out the bigger square box, she opened it and saw a charm bracelet.

"Aw harry this is so cute" she gasped.

She pulled it out and inspected the charms in it.

"Look closely at this one" I pointed to the heart shaped charm.

She pulled it closely to her face and her eyes squinted as she read the words written on it.

"What!" Her eyes widened and she looked at me.

"I love you" I said with the biggest smile on my face.


I forgot to put an authors note so here it is.

I just want to apologise for not in ages I've just been busy with school because I've had exams and stuff but I should be able to update more often now.

Oh and sorry for the major cliff hanger at the end of this chapter but I hope you liked it.


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