Chapter 16

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After getting off the phone with Lucy, I quickly ran to my car and started driving to costa.

And just my luck there was loads of traffic, just when I'm in a rush loads of slow drivers decide to get on the road.

After a stressful car ride I finally see her, looking broken which pissed me off even more, the traffic annoyed me but seeing Lucy like this and knowing that jake has upset her this much just tops it off.

I beep my horn so she's aware I'm here, she get ups from the bench and walks towards the car.

When she gets in I notices her eyes and red raw and she's sniffling like crazy.

"What did he do? Is he still in there?" I asked.

"He was just being his dickhead self" he mumbled.

"Do you want me to go in there, because this is no way to treat any kind of woman" I seethed.

"No harry it's fine, I just want him out my life now" she sobbed.

"So are you guys done with now?" I asked, half hoping they are because my feeling for her are only growing.

"To me yeah, but he said he won't break up with him" she explained.

"Right let's forget about him, do you want me to drop you off at yours so you can rest?" I offered.

"Um.. Yeah please" she nodded.

I started the engine back up and drove away from costa, the car ride was silent, I wanted to talk and distract her from the thought that are bound to be running through her head, but I just didn't know what to say.

We finally got to her house and because of the awkward silence it felt like forever, I wanted to kiss her so bad but I knew now just wasn't the time.

"Thank-you harry, you've been only kind to me and I don't know how I can repay you" she sighed.

"You don't have to repay me, I'm just glad I can be helpful for you" I smiled.

"Well it means a lot"

"Don't worry about it, now get your bum in there and rest" I leant over and kissed her forehead.

She got out the car and I sat and watched her until she was safely in her house.

Once I was back at mine I went straight to my room and let out a well needed breath and relaxed.


It's been three days since I picked up Lucy from Costa because that dickhead doesn't know his to treat girls, the day after it happened Lucy rang me and told me what happened, I appreciated it, just the fact that she was willing to tell me and it made me happy that I didn't even have to ask her and it made me proud that she told me in her own time and not because she thought she had to tell me.

I was playing on my xbox when my phone rang, I paused it and looked at my phone 'unknown number'

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi um.. harry, it's jake" he said and my jaw clenched.

"What the fuck, how did you get my number?" I asked.

"That's not important, I need to talk to you about lucy" he sounded sad.

"Well talk" I spat.

"Not over the phone, in person" he explained.

"Why? I'm not meeting up with you jake, that's some dating shit" I complained.

"Fuck sake harry, do you care about Lucy?" He asked.

"Of course I do, more than you, that's why I've been there for her when you should of been" I told him.

"I know, I know, just please I need to speak to you, it's good for the both of you's" he explained.


"Just stop asking question and meet me at the park in half an hour" he said then hung up.

Half an hour passed by and here I was sat on one of the benches waiting for dickhead to come, I swear to god if what ever he needs me here for pissed me off and makes me hate him more, well I'm not going to be responsible for my actions.

I see him walking towards me and I stand up.

"Don't get too close because I will fucking hit you for treating her like how you have" I told him and he stopped walking.

"Will you relax, I told you what I have to say is happy for you and Lucy, not so much me because believe it or not I actually love it" he raised his voice.

"I won't believe it because it's bullshit, now hurry up and tell me because your face is pissing me off"

"Fine, I'm doing this for Lucy because I care about her and not for you or that mistake she's carrying" he spat.

My jaw clenched and I stepped forward.

"Calm yourself, I'm just being truthful, anyway I wanted to say, man to man that I'm willing to let you have Lucy, I know she'll be better off with you because you for some reason want a kid so young and you'll support her and I can't and won't so all I'm asking is for you too take care of her and I swear if you break her heart like I've done I'll beat your ass" he said and I was beyond shocked.

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelieve.

"Yes harry one hundred percent sure, everything I just said is true" he nodded.

"You best not be fucking with me and have some secret camera hidden" I warned him.

"No harry I'm serious, I can't live like this anymore, I know she likes you and she wants you to raise the baby with her because she's knows I can't and you can so she needs you, and I know you want her just as much so she's yours" he looked to the floor.

"Not that I needed your permission to have her, she isn't a piece of property but thanks anyway" I nodded to him.

"It's fine, I just want her to be happy and I know you can do that"

"I can and I will" I told him.

"Just please take care of her that's all I ask" he said then turned and walked away without another word said.

I started walking home as well, I decided not to drive so the walk her could clear my head and also I thought what he wanted to say would piss me off and driving while pissed off isn't the best idea so I decided to be sensible.

When I finally got home I couldn't be happier and I'm sure Lucy can't wait to find out unless he's already told her, but I doubt it.

I quickly grabbed my keys and ran down stairs.

"Bye mum I won't be long" I said then ran out to my car.

I drove and quickly and safely as I could so I got to Lucy's quicker.

When I finally arrived I jumped out my car while locking it and quickly knocked on the door with a big smile on my face.

Luckily Lucy answered the door.

"Harry? What are you doi-"

I cut her off as I grabbed her face and crashed my lips to her and we stumbled into her house.


Yay! Here's a quick update because I'm bored.

Also I feel like this is an important chapter because what happens.

As well as that this chapter was fully in Harry's POV I don't think I've done that before so there is first.

Anyway I hope you liked it and vote and comment.

P.s. I'm sorry for it being short I'm just really tired but I had nothing else to do.

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