Chapter 15

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"I'm coming now honey" my mum shouted from up stairs.

"Just come sit down, get comfortable before she bombards us with questions" harry said as we walked into the living room and we sat down on the sofa.

"Do you want a drink or anything?" He asked.

"No I'm good, thanks" I shook my head.

People started coming down stairs and it sounded more than one and I started getting nervous.

I heard harry grunt beside me.

"Sounds like my dad's coming as well" he sighed.

The door opened and in came Harry's parents.

"Hi you must be Lucy, I'm Harry's mum obviously" she laughed.

"Hi, nice to meet you" I shook her hand.

"Oh and this is Harry's father" he motioned to the man stood beside her.

"Nice to meet you" I smiled and shook his hand.

"And you, I just thought I'd come and apologise because you had to see Harry's small willy" his dad said and burst out laughing.

"Oh Jesus dad" harry groaned.

His mothers eyes were shut and she sighed heavily.

"Right I'm sorry, it was nice meeting you Lucy but I have some work to do" he excused himself.

"I'm sorry about him, he thinks he's hilarious" Harry's mum explained.

"And he's certainly not" harry piped up.

"It's fine" I chuckled.

"So how did shopping go?" She asked as she sat down in the arm chair opposite us.

"Good, we got a lot of the stuff just not clothes because we don't know what the baby is" I explained.

"So how did you manage to buy everything else without knowing the sex?" She asked.

"Because everything we bought is white so it doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl" harry explained.

"Ahh I see, oh and harry me and you father were talking once you left and I think you need to go speak to him" she smiled.

"What? Why?" Harry asked.

"Just go see" she laughed. "it's nothing bad"

"Fine, Lucy I won't be long" he told me then left the room.

harry disappeared and left me in the room with his mum and an awkward silence fell between us.

"so how are you, being pregnant and stuff?" harrys mum broke the silence.

"um.. im doing good, after buying stuff today its feeling a lot more real but im really excited as well as scared" i chuckled lightly

"i remember being pregnant with harry, i was so scared at the start but then as time went on i got really excited and i couldnt wait to meet the little person inside or me"

"i hope i feel like that when im a bit further a long"

harry started coming down the stairs so me and his mum both fell quiet, when he entered he had a smile on his face but i stopped myself asking him the reason for it, he will tell me if he wants me to know.

he sat down beside me and took my hand into his, he lifted it to his lips and kissed my knuckles, the gesture melted my heart but then i remembered its probably just to make his mum believe we're together.

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