Chapter 34

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"Babe, please hurry" harry shouted up stairs.

"Hang on" I shouted back as I tried to get Ethan's stuff ready.

We've not long got back from the doctors and everything's okay, Ethan's growing perfectly fine and he's healthy.

I'm now sorting out his bag because he's going to louis' so me and harry can relax for the day.

After I was done, I ran down stairs to see harry stood by the front door texting on his phone, with Ethan asleep at his feet in his carseat.


"Right he's probably going to wake up in like half an hour for his bottle, that's in his bag as well as the other one he'll want in like five hours but we'll probably be back for that, once he's been fed he'll more than likely stay awake for a bit um.. I don't know when he'll need changing, that happens whenever-"

"Lucy, calm down, IVE got this" louis laughed then grabbed the car seat from HARRYS grasp.

"I know, it's the first time we've left him, I'm just a bit scared" I sighed.

"Listen we can trust louis, I know we can, now let's go"

In the car on the way home, I couldn't relax I had to stop myself from asking harry to turn around so I could get Ethan back, the only thing that was keeping me so freaking out was a nice relaxing day and that we would see Ethan later.

"So what shall we do?" Harry broke the silence.

"Um.. we could just go out for food and do a bit of shopping?" I suggested.

"Sound perfect, and we don't even have to get changed, we can go straight there" he smiled.


We arrived at the restaurant and I tried to focus on harry and not on how much I miss Ethan, does it make me a bad mother that IVE left him with someone else this early on in his life? And a bad mum is the last thing I want to be.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, harry looked up from the menu and nodded.

"Yeah of course" he chuckled.

"Does it make me a bad mum that IVE left him?" I looked down.

"Babe, of course not, we needed a break for a while, it's not against the law, we're young, we weren't expecting Ethan to come into our world and it just happened so quickly we're not use to it, but we will be and everything will be okay" he picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Hi, can I take your order?" A waitress appeared.

We ordered what we wanted, the waitress left, leaving me and harry alone.

Half way through our meal I realised no matter how much I loved Ethan it was nice to have a break from him and have it just me and harry, we didn't get much time to spend as a couple before Ethan was born.

"This is nice" I smiled at him.

"So is mine, we'll have to give a tip to the chef" he said and I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"I was talking about me and you spending time together not the food you numpty" I explained.

"Oh" he laughed. "I thought you meant the food, but yeah is spending time together is nice" he agreed.

"Are we going shopping after this?" I asked

"If you want?" He looked up.

"Yeah, it'll be nice" I smiled.


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