Chapter 9

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I was still in Harry's arms, still crying, I just can't get it to stop, I wish I could but the tears keep flowing.

"I feel as if I should tell you why I'm crying on you but I don't want you to judge me" I sniffed.

"I'd never judge you" he told me and for some reason, I believed him. "and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"I want to, I've only told 3 people you'd be the forth and you're the only one who has comforted me without knowing the reason" I sat up.

"Well I'm all ears when you're ready to tell me" he gave me comforting smile.

"Well.. um two days ago I found out I was pregnant" the tears flow again. "and I told jake earlier and he got pissed off and now I don't know if we're together then my mum said she's going to support me but I know she's disappointed in me then mike found out and got mad at jake and I don't know what to do" I cried harder.

"Shhh, come here, it's going to be okay" he pulled me back into his arms.

"You don't know that, I'm just scared that jakes going to leave me alone with the baby" I hiccuped.

"Listen to me, he won't do that he loves you too much" he kissed my head but I didn't say anything because he's being very kind and I hardly know him.

"I don't think he does any more" I wiped away my tears.

"He does, it's obviously just a shock to him and you, he'll come around" he rubbed my arm in a comforting way.

"I'm sorry, I'm getting my tears all over your jumper" I sighed.

"Don't worry about it, and don't worry about this whole thing either because it will all work out how it's suppose to so just relax and don't get stressed because it's not good for the baby" he said.

I sat up again and gave him a small smile. "thanks" I said and meant it with all my being.

"Don't mention it, now have you ate anything recently" he asked.

"Um.. just breakfast" I shrugged.

"Right come on, let's go get food" he stood up from the bench.

"What! no I'm not hungry" I shook my head.

"I don't care, we're going to get food, you might not be hungry but I am and so is your baby so come on" he grabbed my hand and pulled me up, I nearly went flying forward but he caught me.

"Thanks" I said again, but this time for catching me.

We walked to a near restaurant and went inside, there was quite a few people inside, a young woman smiled at us.

"Table for two?" she asked.

"Yes please" harry nodded.

I wasn't hungry, surely if my baby was hungry I would be hungry right? I'm not sure how this whole thing works, does my baby even eat yet?.

Once we reached our table we sat down, and to top it all off my and harry were sitting across from each other, the poor girl probably thought we were together.

Harry immediately picked up the menu and started scanning through it.

"Harry, I'm really not-"

"Shh, and pick what you want to eat" he said, not taking his eyes off the menu.

I sighed and picked up the menu and started looking at all the foods, then I noticed the prices and my eyes widened.

"Shit harry, this food is dear, I can't afford it" I shook my head and put the menu down.

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