Chapter 7

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Life has been good, since we finished school and now I'm just waiting for something bad to come along and wreck it, I have a good idea what it might be but it could also make it even better.

I haven't seen jake in a couple of days he said he's busy sorting out going to collage and stuff which is understandable, but I'll get to see him later on today.

When I first started year 7 if I ever thought about what my life would be like now I never imagined this it's crazy, I'm 16 nearly 17 and I'm in love that doesn't happen very often because love is a hard thing to find but I'm one of those lucky people who have found it early on.

The love I feel for jake is utterly madness how on earth can a 16 year old love someone and know that their in love, some adults might say we only think we're in love because we're too young to understand what love is, but that's not the case here I'm in love with jake and I've never and never will doubt that.


It's now 5 o'clock and I'm waiting for jake to come get me.

He said he'd be here around 5 and I believe him, he's never been late before and if he is he'll have a good explanation for it.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as someone knocks on the door, I get up off the sofa and open in.

My gorgeous boyfriend is stood there, bright eyes and big smiles.

"Oh my god I missed you" I flung myself into his arms.

"I missed you too princess" he kissed my cheek.

I pulled back from out hug then leant in for a kiss, the kiss lingered and it was sweet we weren't eating each other's faces it was nice, considering we hadn't seen each other in a few days this kiss was needed.

Someone behind me cleared their throat, we pull away and turn around to see mike their with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry sir" jake apologises.

"Don't be sorry jake, mike we haven't seen each other in days leave us alone" I joked.

"Well I came out to see why there was a draft coming in and I see my kind of daughters face being eaten" he smirks.

"No that wasn't the case, it was a kiss not a snog, calm yourself" I patted his chest and pulled jake into the house"

"I know I'm just messing with you's, I could hear you's talking then it stopped so I knew what you's would be doing so I thought it would be funny to come embarrass you's" he laughed.

"Well it didn't work on me" I told him.

"Well it worked on lover boy" mike laughed and jake looked down at the floor.

"Mike leave him alone, I would of got embarrassed if it was his family that just did that" I defended jake.

"No you wouldnt" they both said in unison.

"Jake I'm trying to defend you on getting embarrassed here" I look at him.

"Oh sorry" he gave me a small smile.

"Right we're going up stairs" I grabbed jakes arm and pulled him to the stairs.

"Don't forget I know you's aren't virgins, so if I hear anything I'm coming up" mike laughed to himself.

"You're disgusting" I shouted down to him.

We walked into my room and I say on my bed.

"What shall we do now" he laughed.

"I'm not bothered, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

He didn't answer but walked over to the window.

"What about if we go for a walk on the beach because it a nice day" he suggested.

"Okay" I agreed and stood up.

"Let me just get my bag" I said, I picked it up of the chair and made sure everything was in it.

"Let's go" I smiled.

We walked down stairs, just about to walk out the door when mike came out again.

"Where you's going?" he asked.

"To the beach" I said.

"Www sex on the beach, never done that before let me know what it's like" he laughed.

"Shut up, that's not going to happen" I sighed with annoyance.

"I'll let you know" jake joked

"Jake be quiet and get out the fucking door" I spat.

"Oi you no swearing" mike said.

"Whatever, jake let's go" I said and pushed past him and out the door.

I started walking off and jake jogged up to me.

"Hey, what's wrong" he asked, as he laced our hands together.

"He's just pissing me off" I mumbled without making eye contact.

"I know, but there is something else I can't tell, please tell me" he begged.

"Not now" I said, finally looking at him.

"Yes now" he stopped walking.

"No, I promise you I'll tell you before the day is over" I told him.

"Why not now?" he asked.

"Because I need to prepare myself to tell you okay" I let go of his hand and carried on walking.

I heard him sigh before jogging to catch me up again.

We soon arrived at the beach and it was quite crowded, which is good for me because I'm gonna tell him while we're here and then he can't make a big scene infront of everyone.

We were sat on the sand watching everything that was happening around us, no words have been spoken, I think he's just waiting for me to speak and tell him what's bothering me.

I'm not bothered about telling him, it's just his reaction that I'm scared off, if he kicks off then I'll be heart broken.

"Right I'm sorry but this is killing me, I need to know what's wrong, I hate seeing you upset, I really wanna know what's wrong I can help you" he turns to face me.

"I doubt you can help me" I chuckle.

"I can, well I can't atleast try, please baby please tell me" he took a hold of my two hands.

"You're going to get mad" I bit my lip.

"Have you cheated on me" he panics.

"No, if I had we'd be in an even bigger problem trust me" I shook my head, I feel as if I'm going to cry.

"Seriously tell me now, you're scaring me" I rubbed my knuckles with his thumb.

Okay here goes, if he wants to know then I'll tell him, I wouldn't of been able to keep it from him much longer anyway.

"Jake" I looked up at him. "I'm pregnant"


Wow okay, cliff hanger.

If you're thinking "wtf how was that happened" there is going to be an explanation in the next chapter so best with, I have thought this through so yeah.

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