"I might need some time" Newt said. 

"'Course you need  time, Newt. I want you to make the best decision" Jacob said, grinning. But inside, he wanted to be Newt's best man. He didn't know Theseus well, even after all these months, but he somehow felt belonged in the wizarding family. 

"This isn't a rash decision, Newt. You have a lot of time" Queenie said, "But I'm sure that Jacob and I will support every decision you make".

"Y-yes, ri-right" Jacob agreed.

"How's your bakery coming?" Newt asked, "I thought you bought a shop downtown".

"Well, we're concentrating on Queenie and the twins now. The bakery can wait" Jacob said, "Obviously".

"Yes, but once the twins are born, Jacob is planning to renovate the bakery. Then, we're planning to get a house to raise these little ones" Queenie smiled.

"A house?"

"Newt, we can't exactly raise our children in an apartment. Queenie and I were talking about it and it seemed like the best option. We found a nice one, just near Charing Cross Road" Jacob explained, "And soon enough, later in the next year, we'll move in and raise the kids".

"Well I'll miss you, if you're going to move out. You two were my next door neighbors for quite sometime!" Newt proclaimed. Queenie and Jacob gave him a smile.

Suddenly an owl flew in, interrupting their conversation. It bore a red envelope, addressed to Newt Scamander, in bright and bold royal blue letters. Newt took the envelope and gasped. He had to open it at some point. Below his name was a  seal, bearing the letters M.O.M.

"Oh Merlin" he gasped.

"What happ--?" Jacob started, but Queenie got up, urging Jacob to come along with her.

"It's best if we give Newt some space" Queenie said, pulling Jacob's hand towards their apartment next door.

Albus Dumbledore was enjoying the comforts of an off-day in his little cottage. He didn't like staying at Hogwarts over the weekend, since he had vowed to protect Credence. Besides, he'd await every opportunity to cook something special.

"What's this?" Credence pointed to a specific type of food on his plate. 

"That's black pudding" Albus indicated, "It's really good".

"Can I get waffles later? Your version is amazing" Credence said, "With loads of maple syrup on top and strawberries on the side".

Albus smiled, "Of course, my boy". Credence was a son he never had. Somehow Credence reminded Albus of Grindelwald, before when he wasn't power- hungry. Back in the olden days,  Albus and Gellert always had each other's backs. Their friendship was based on trust and love - they didn't know whether it was platonic or. . . something else.

Either way, Credence was curious like Gellert and appreciated Albus. The professor found himself to be a father figure. 

"What?" Credence asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing. Just eat up, alright?"

"I want to do something" Credence began, "Can I visit Diagon Alley? I want a job here".

Albus knew this was risky, "Credence, you know we can't risk exposing your identity".

"Please? I'll be cautious. I'll use the name of Atlas, like you call me in public" Credence said, "I just want to visit. You tell me all sorts of things about the wizarding world and I never get to experience it for myself. I'll be extremely cautious".

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