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"Welcome, welcome, welcome" Hector Fawley smiled, "It is truly a pleasure to be hosting a Halloween party!"

That earned a cheer from the crowd.

"As you all might be aware, this party is to commemorate the triumph of good over evil" Fawley clapped, "We have finally bounced back from the war, economically and socially".

"Aww, yeah!" someone yelled.

"Please enjoy the hospitality and let the party begin!" Fawley directed towards the band. They started to play.

Among the crowd were Newt and Tina, in their knight and dragon costumes, Theseus and Dakota in their Muggle attires and Queenie and Jacob, wearing matching luau outfits. Anna wore a gossamer gown with fluttering wings. Nate however, dressed up as himself - a businessman.

And there was Albus and Credence. They were in a conversation with Fawley and his undersecretary, Cornelius Fudge.

"Would you like some chocolate fudge, Mr Fudge?" Credence joked.

"No thank you" Cornelius spat, "Albus, who is this?"

"He's Atlas" Albus said, "My protége"

"Such a queer one" Fudge said, "Boy, where are you from?"

"Scotland" Credence said, stuffing fudges in his face.

"Good lord, boy"

Across the dance floor, Newt was trying his level best to not tread on Tina's foot.

"Newt!" Tina winced.


"Could you please remove your dragon head, at least? You look frivolous" Tina complained.

"Frivolous? Your costume is metallic and heavy! Why don't you remove your helmet? It's sharp and potentially dangerous!"

Queenie and Jacob looked at the both of them.

"They sound married already" Queenie laughed.

"You take that back, Queenie!" Tina yelled.

"We -- are -- not -- married!" Newt gasped for air.

"Here, watch" Queenie said to Jacob and turned to them, "Potential married couple says what?"

"What?" Tina shook her head.

Jacob went to Newt and took off his dragon head.

"Newt, next time, try something more. . portable" Jacob advised, "This weighs a gazillion pounds".

Meanwhile as the four of them were bickering, Theseus, Dakota, Anna and Nate were busy chatting  over a glass of wine. Dakota was complaining about the poor choice of music. Anna was chittering about her wings. Nate and Theseus were in a full on conversation about the future of the wizarding economy, something Theseus found fascinating.

"We've agreed on a new deal that could benefit thousands of bric-a-brac store owners" Nate explained, "It's going to be wonderful".

"Have you ever tried regulating things sold in Knockturn Alley?" Theseus asked.

"I don't know" - Nate took a sip of his wine - "I shall bring it to the attention of the Minister. That's an excellent idea, Theseus".

The party was in full swing. Everyone was happy. Even Fawley had some dance moves up his sleeve. The house-elves in the kitchens were constantly preparing food and having it magically refill on the plates. 

Suddenly the doors opened. The music stopped abruptly.

A deafening howl shook the whole room. A pack of werewolves had crashed the party.

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