Chapter 4

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Later that night Kaitlin and Elphaba were getting ready for the party that Galinda was throwing at the Oz dust ballroom at 8:00 o'clock and Kaitlin asked Elphaba why her skin was green.

"Well it was when my mother was carrying me she had this little green bottle and then when I was born I was just green. Also, I cannot go near water!" said Elphaba

"What! Why not?" Kaitlin asked

"Oh because my skin will burn and it is not a good feeling at all. So I bath in a certain kind of oil and I sponge it on myself" said Elphaba

By now Kaitlin was really interested in her roommate's story.

"" And when my mother was carrying up my younger sister Nessa my father thought that she might come out, and Kaitlin and Elphaba said "Green!" at the same time, "Yeah" said Elphaba, so my father made my mother chew milk flowers day and night but it made Nessa come to soon and my mother never woke up.""

"So you didn't have a mother!?" Kaitlin asked

"Yes, I had no mother. Well we better get going to the party" Elphaba said and they walked out of their room.


At the party, the two girls walked in everyone just ran and laughed at Elphaba and they walked down into the room and started dancing. A few moments later Galinda cuts in and starts dancing very graceful like a pretty Sawn. And Elphaba and Kaitlin were just standing there watching her and then they joined in and then everybody did as the night went on. When Elphaba and Kaitlin arrived back in their room they got their nightgowns on and went to bed.


The next morning there was no school so the two girls slept in and when they finally got up they just walked around the school and just talked about nothing exciting until Kaitlin bumped into Fiyero the Winkie prince who blushed with embarrassment and as did Kaitlin.

"Hello, fine morning isn't it?" Fiyero asked.

"Why yes it is" Kaitlin responded and then Fiyero asked Kaitlin another question

"So I was just wondering if you would like to go out with me?"

Kaitlin just looked extremely shocked.

"WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Kaitlin screamed and thank god no one was there.

"Yeah because I think you are a beautiful young lady" Fiyero said

Kaitlin simply said "Yes."

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