Chapter 16

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It was almost the end of their last year at shiz and Kaitlin and Elphaba were going to the Emerald City to meet the wizard of oz.
"you packed?" Kaitlin said to Elphaba who was just on the other side of the room packing.
"Almost finished let me just put some books into my suitcase!" Elphaba said with excitement. They heard a knock on the door, Kaitlin went to get it, she opened it up to Jacob.
"Oh hello Jacob!" Kaitlin said with a smiles
"Why hello miss. Evergreen?" Jacob said jokingly.
They laughed for a few moments when Elphaba came up behind Kaitlin.
"BOO!" Elphaba yelled.
"Ah!" Kaitlin screamed and laughed at the same time.
"Why hello Jacob?" Elphaba said with a questionable tone.
"Why hello miss Thropp!" Jacob said.
"Any news about Fiyero?" Jacob asked Kaitlin.
"Oh uh he broke up with me for Galinda!" Kaitlin said with a pout look on her face.
"Oh sorry to hear that. Fiyero and I aren't roommates at all I got a new roomie!" Jacob said with a smile.
"Who is your roommate?" Both the girls asked at the same time.
"My new roommate is that new kid Jason." Jacob said.
"Oh he is nice!" Kaitlin said with a fun look on her face,
"well I have to go Jacob Elphaba and I are going to the Emerald City to meet the wizard!" Kaitlin squeaked with delight. Galinda over heard the entire conversation that they were having.

Galinda's POV
"OH how dare she go to the Emerald City without me!" Galinda cired out. There was no one standing around so she walked back to her room.
"Oh oz! I want to go with them but how can I Elphaba has already asked her roommate, that stupid blonde girl, thinks she can get what she wants. Maybe I will buy a ticket and l surprise them there!" Galinda muttered under her breath.

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