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Some Fijian vocab words used in this chapter for you...
Bula - Hello
Kere Kere - Please
Nei - Aunty
Vula - Moon


I collapsed on the couch next to Janet, completely out of breath. I felt her looking at me and I chuckled to myself tossing her a bottle of water.

"Thanks beautiful." I scrunched my face up.

"Beautiful? I'm all sticky and sweaty." I stretched the fabric of my tank top exaggerating my disgust as she laughed. She leaned over and kissed my cheek,

"Still beautiful to me baby." Funny, I was thinking the same thing about her.

She was wearing a tank top that showcased her chest which was glistening with light sweat. Her leggings hugged her toned legs, she was in casual clothes but even her relaxed demeanor just screamed 'sex appeal'. I smiled and leaned in for a kiss but she stood up quickly, causing me to fall over.

"Hey!" She laughed and pushed a box to the side making room for her to walk.

"Nope. No time for that, we still got a few boxes in the car." I pouted like a child and watched her walk out the front door.

She asked me to move in with her about a month ago but I turned her down. Instead, I got an apartment for myself. Jan was a little disappointed at first but she eventually understood that this was something I wanted to do on my own. I spent so much time depending on other people, I wanted to take control of my own life for once.

Things for me have been going so right for a change. The restaurant was doing better than I had initially set out for and I was on track to open up one of my own. I didn't tell Janet about this yet because I wanted everything to be official before I jinxed myself.

Today she was helping me move my things into my new apartment. She offered to hire movers, said that I shouldn't have to do things the hard way when she could get it done for me so easily. But I insisted on doing this on my own like a normal person. She wouldn't understand, but I had felt so out of control of my life for the past year and I just wanted one thing that was in my own hands. Once she realized I wasn't going to budge, she persisted till I let her help me.

She had rearranged the furniture about three times already and was being a little OCD about the layout, it was cute. Jan was working harder than me and I tried to wrap it up and finish it tomorrow on my own, but she wasn't having it. The media would probably pay a pretty penny to get a shot of Janet Jackson being so domestic.

I went outside and laughed as I watched Janet pile a bunch of boxes in Joeys arms which he was struggling to balance. He tagged along and when I tried to protest he simply said "it's what friends do"and I didn't have the heart to fight him on it any further.

We finished offloading the remainder of my things into my new apartment. I looked around and smiled to myself feeling proud of my accomplishment.

It was a pretty large two story studio apartment. It wasn't much, but it was mine and that was more than enough for me. My bedroom was in the loft above leaving the kitchen and main living area on the main floor. The oak wood floors matched the square pillars that stood on opposite sides of the apartment and two large windows were between them.

These large windows gave you a perfect view of the city below and I stood there and watched for a minute just soaking in the view. There were so many cars moving fast, and so many people running around the streets going about their daily life. Some people walked with the busy crowds, some went against it, but they all had a goal to get where they were going. It amazed me.

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