The "L" bomb

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"So, she didn't say it back?"


"Did she even say anything?"

"Not a word."

I huffed, grabbing a carton of my favorite strawberry ice cream from the freezer and tearing the lid off.

"Wow jay, that's cold." Gil said as he tried to comfort me, he was failing miserably by the way.

"I agree with LL Cool J over here." Preston reached over and yanked the tub of ice cream from me. I tried to get it back but he only smacked my hand away and started eating it himself. "Now you know you can't have nun of this." Remind me to fire him later.

I ran my hand down my face wishing I could just crawl in a hole and die."Thank you two so much for making me feel worse than I already do."

"Way to go RuPaul" Gil cut his eyes at Preston who had a mouthful of MY ice cream. "Listen Dunk, maybe it's not what you think it is." He sat beside me on the kitchen countertop putting an arm around me.

"You don't know what's going on in that girls head, only way to find out is to ask her." He said shrugging his shoulders.

I thought about it and created a hundred ways in my head on how this could possibly play out, but none of them made me feel good. "You're right but what if I ask her, and her answer isn't what I'd hoped." My eyes got wide as another scenario flashed through my head.
"What if it's worse?!" I didn't want to think about it anymore, I just wanted to push it to farthest part of my mind and bury it as far away from the surface as possible.

Preston slammed his hand on the counter making us jump. "C'mon girl!! You are Janet Damita Jo Jackson. You are THAT bitch hunny. And she'd be a fool to not want you back, an absolute fooooooool" He put his finger to his ear and dramatically sang the last part like a bootleg Mariah Carey.

"Okay fine. But if it doesn't go well, I'm blaming you two." I said, pointing a warning finger at the both of them.

"And that's my cue." Preston said as he got up sending me an air kiss and left taking my ice cream with him. Bitch.

"Take her out on a date, a real date. Tell her what's on your mind just as freely as you tell me." Gil said, grabbing his car keys. "Just talk to her dunk, you'll never know until you go straight to the source." And with that he walked out following behind Preston. I hate it when he's right.

I grabbed my phone and sent Davina a text letting her know that I was taking her out tonight. I didn't wait for a response as I left to take a shower and start getting ready.

I finished about an hour later and I was applying my lipstick and looking myself over. I decided to go with a green dress that was modest but skin tight and sexy at the same time. I slipped on my heels and walked out to the car where Joey was waiting, holding the door open.

The entire ride to Davinas house my brain was running a mile a minute. I was getting so nervous, my hands were sweating and I couldn't keep still for anything. My nerves were through the roof and so was my anxiousness to see her. It had only been a day but I missed seeing her, talking to her, just merely being next to her. I never wanted to be apart from her and the more time we spent together the stronger that feeling got.

We pulled up in her driveway and I walked up to knock on the front door. It only took a few seconds before the door opened revealing an older looking woman, she had the same eyes as Davina so I assumed this was her aunt.

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