To the moon

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This is the song inspiration for this chapter
Enjoy 🦋💖


I was back at the estate Monday morning bright and early. The usual nanny was out for the week so I was going to be the one to help out with baby Eissa and I was so excited.

I love children and especially that little one, he was so adorable. I brought along my nephew so that Eissa could have someone to play with today.

I set the boys up in the living room with a bunch of toys and snacks to keep them occupied. I made sure to keep an eye on them while I went around straightened up a few things.

A few hours passed and I still haven't seen Janet. I decided that the most reasonable thing to do was just talk to her about it. She was probably just as confused as I was, all I knew for certain was that we had some type of connection and there was no denying that. Over the weekend I had a lot of time to think about the situation and figure out the best way to go about it.

At first I was going to just ignore the whole thing completely and just act like it never happened, but Amara convinced me not to. I wanted to talk to her and ask her how she felt about what was going on, and if she even wanted to continue whatever this was. But I didn't want to come off too forward or clingy I mean all we did was kiss.

For all I know I could just be some little fling to her, or someone she wanted just to pass the time. She is a huge celebrity and she has status, money, fans, and I was just a maid. I was an absolute nobody compared to her and that really scared me, she could leave me at any given time and it would have absolutely no affect on her life. But I know that she would forever leave an impact on mine no matter what.

After feeding the boys I noticed that Eissa was dozing off, so I picked him up and put him on my shoulder rocking him to sleep.

I couldn't get all these thoughts out of my head and it was starting to stress me out. Here I am so stressed out over this woman who was almost a complete stranger to me and I probably never crossed her mind once.

I didn't like this feeling of being uncertain or insignificant, it honestly just made me want to scream. I've always been extremely sensitive and I cry all the time. I know I must look like a fool, being a grown woman crying over silly things but that was just how I've always been.

My father would always tease me when I was little and say that I had a heart that was bigger than my body. He used to say that the only way my body was able to carry it was if I cried and released some of the ache every once in a while.

I didn't even notice the tears slipping from my eyes until I felt little hands wipe them away. I smiled looking at my nephew jojo as he smiled back at me. "Tina-levu! kakua tagica" (aunty, don't cry) he said giving me a pouty face.

"Aw lomana(sorry) my love. Tina's fine I promise"

I started tickling him with one hand, still holding Eissa with my other and jojo went into a fit of giggles.

After he was finished he gave me kisses all over my face and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was being. Just then the door opened and in walked a man I've never seen before along with the woman who's been cause of my very busy mind.

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