It'll be alright

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Sorry I've been taking forever to update! I gave y'all two chapters this time tho so you can't be that mad at me 😂


I woke up shortly after to the feeling of someone caressing my face. I smiled on the inside knowing it was Janet, but I kept my eyes closed. Her fingers traced above my eyebrow coming down to my cheek and finally tracing the outline of my bottom lip. Her touch made me hot and I was trying my best to hold it together. I felt her lean in and kiss the corner of my mouth and I couldn't hold in my smile any longer.

I opened my eyes to see her staring back at me with a wide grin on her face. "Hey there sleepy" she spoke.

"Hi" I said. Rubbing my eyes still keeping the smile on my face.

She reached out and moved a curl away from my face. "I guess I wasn't the only one warn out huh?"

"Sorry I've just been really tired lately, I needed that little boost" I replied, her hand still resting on my cheek.

She giggled "yeah I can tell, you were out for a while."

My eyes got wide "Wait. What time is it?" I shot straight up reaching for my phone in my apron checking the time. The time read 9:00 pm. Shit.

I missed my bus and the next one doesn't come until eleven. I checked my notifications to see that my aunty had left a couple of messages wondering where I was. I quickly replied letting her know I would be home late telling her not to wait up for me.

"Everything alright?" Janet was sitting up now stretching.

"Uh yeah I just have to go, I missed my bus." I told her, getting up and walking out of her room quickly.

She followed me out into the hallway "Wait the bus? You don't drive?" She asked in disbelief.

"No I don't have a car" I said simply. Walking down the stairs making my way toward the back kitchen for my things.

"Davina it's late and it's dark outside, I don't feel comfortable with you catching the bus." She was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed watching me get my stuff together.

I turned around for a second to respond to her. "Jan I'm a big girl, I'll be fine I swear." I smiled my best smile in an attempt to reassure her.

She squinted at me "Davina."

"Janet." I replied with the same tone.

"Why are you so stubborn? Well at least let me take you to the bus stop."

I was about to tell her no until she cut her eyes at me making me stop mid thought.

I gave up holding my hands up "Okay fine."

She was putting on a pair of shoes that were sitting by the door. "Good" she gave me a cheeky smile and stood up walking out after grabbing a set of car keys.

We walked outside together and I felt the crisp autumn air creep up my exposed skin making me shiver. Janet caught me as she looked me over and put her arm around me rubbing my shoulder.

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