Unfinished business

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I tried to slam the door in his face but he stuck his foot in it before I could.

"What do you want Wissam?" I hissed.

"My son!" He spat angrily. I walked away as he followed behind me into the living room. I set my son into his walker as I scoffed turning to face him.

"Your son? You mean the one you've been neglecting for the past year and a half? The son who barely even knows who you are?" I was beginning to feel a little heated,

"the son that you're trying to take away from me for what Wissam? Huh?! To satisfy your pride?!"

I walked into the next room trying to calm myself down, I didn't want my son to see his parents fighting like this even if he didn't realize what was happening.

"Janet he is my son! Am I supposed to just walk away and pretend like he isn't?" I held the bridge of my nose already feeling the headache coming on.

"Well you haven't had an issue with that in the past. In fact, you've practically made it your mission to stay away!" I exclaimed, and I wasn't lying. Wissam and I finalized our divorced when Eissa was only three months old, but our marriage was over long before those papers were signed.

"But I'm here now and I want to be apart of his life Janet." I scoffed folding my arms.

"I wouldn't have a problem letting you be in his life, but what you're trying to do is remove me out of it completely." He just shook his head at my response,

"Wissam you're trying to take my son from me and move him halfway across the world, so don't stand here and act like my reaction is ludicrous." He pointed his finger in my face,

"I deserve to be apart his life." I laughed, smacking his hand away.
he is unbelievable!

"Wissam, I can come up with a list of things that I feel you deserve, but my son isn't on it!" By now we were having a screaming match, we weren't even together anymore but this man still found ways to get under my skin.

"Janet that isn't fair and you know it! You have no control over this situation and the fact that I want Eissa to be with me is driving you crazy!" I looked at him like he had grown two heads.

"No Wissam, you want to punish me just admit it!" I came up to him pushing his chest with my index finger.

"Admit that you couldn't give a damn about MY son!! You just can't stand it that I'm finally happy with a life that you're not a part of!!" He just stood there shocked at the words coming out of my mouth, I was honestly shocked myself.

I shook my head and stared into his eyes, searching them for the man that I once knew like the back of my hand. I searched aimlessly for what felt like an eternity trying to find any remnants of the person who at one point used to care for and love me so deeply. I tried so desperately to peel back the years of hurt and abuse to get to the core of him, but he wasn't there.

I thought back to all the beautiful memories we made together, at one point I used to be truly happy with Wissam believe it or not. There was once a time where I would have done anything for him, but the same attributes that made me fall in love with him in the first place weren't there anymore.

The beautiful man who stood before me was now just a shadow of the person that was once my everything. I couldn't remember the last time I saw him or even spoke to him. I couldn't pin point the last moment we had, the last kiss we shared. I looked into his brown eyes, the same eyes that used to inspire me but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

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