Aint nothin but a thing

922 53 28

Which one y'all like better as a ship name?


I woke up the next morning on the floor, feeling another body on top of me. I was about to freak out until all of the memories from last night came flooding through my mind and a huge smile crept it's way onto my face.

Her body clung to mine, our legs intertwined and her head rest comfortably on my chest. I looked down seeing her wild curls spread out in every direction with most of it covering her face.

I watched her as she slept, brushing the hair away from her face gently. Her back was exposed to me and I could see the hickeys I had left on her neck and shoulder.

I loved the way her body would relax into mine as I caressed her spine, teasing the arch in her back. She looked so adorable as she slept, so blissfully unaware of the hold she now had on my heart.

I kissed her forehead to wake her up but she only nudged deeper into my chest, tightening her arm around my waist. I chuckled, shaking my head. She was so cute.

I slipped out of her grasp carefully, trying not to wake her and went to the bathroom doing my morning routine. I slipped on a fresh pair of panties, throwing on an oversized T-shirt and walked to the nursery to wake up Eissa. I walked in and he was already up, bouncing against his crib sending a high pitched scream as he saw me enter the room.

"Hi mamas baby!" I chimed.

After changing Eissa we made our way into the kitchen and I placed him in his high chair. I searched the cabinet to find something for breakfast because wanted to make something nice for Davina. She was always the one making me food and catering to my needs, so I wanted to return the favor. I wasn't a chef, but how hard could it be to scramble some eggs?


Half an hour later and I had made a complete mess in the kitchen. The pancakes were clumpy, I burnt the eggs, and don't even get me started on the bacon. There was flower all over the counter and on my face and I looked over at a giggling Eissa who was having the best time watching me struggle. I squinted my eyes at him and poked his stomach,

"This isn't funny." He proceeded to squeal again, his two front teeth on full display.

"What happened in here?" I turned to see Davina standing with a hand on her hip, looking around the kitchen wide eyed. She was wearing a pair of my sweatpants and a black bandeau. She had a glow about her and I smiled knowingly.

I reached for the pan of clumpy pancakes and held it in front of me, "I made you breakfast!" I beamed. She giggled and walked over to me wiping some flower off my cheeks,
"You're sweet." She pecked my lips. "But you should leave the cooking to me." She snickered and I pushed her shoulder.

"Hey! It's the thought that counts." She laughed and turned to Eissa who was babbling on and on trying to get her attention.

"And Goodmorning handsome." She leaned in kissing him all over his face making him scream as she tickled him.

"You hungry baby?" She asked him.
"Yes.. I am." I responded, but she turned in my direction with a raised eyebrow.
"Ohh were you talking to him or me?" She laughed, shaking her head and going to the fridge pulling out a few items.

She went to the radio in the corner, turning it on and 'Age ain't nothin but a number' by Aaliyah came on and I rolled my eyes at the irony. She spun around to look me smiling wide swaying her hips to the music and curling her finger trying to get me to dance with her. I shook my head but she grabbed the spatula using it as a microphone and walked toward me anyways.

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