Anger Management

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Accurate representation of Janet in this chapter 🤣

Accurate representation of Janet in this chapter 🤣

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I had just finished rehearsals and I stopped at a florist before making my way to where Davina worked. I wanted to surprise her since my schedule has been so crazy lately and we've barely spent any time together. I was all giddy in the back seat I could barely keep still.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Joey asked from the front seat.

"I'm just excited to finally spend some time with Vee, it feels like it's been forever since I last saw her." I bit my lip, unable to contain my excitement about seeing her. A faint smile made its way onto his face,

"Yeah, I miss her too. Ever since she got a car she act like she don't know me no more." I giggled shaking my head at Joey,

"Aw Joey now you know you're her favorite."

We pulled up to the restaurant and I put on my baseball cap as well as my glasses, hiding the bottom half of my face in my scarf. I didn't want to bring any attention to myself before I even got to see my baby.

I hopped out of the car grabbing the bouquet of pink roses I had gotten from the florist and I walked to the entrance of the restaurant. I approached the door and my heart did summersaults in my chest.

As I walked in I immediately noticed that there weren't that many people inside, I figured it was because I had just missed the lunch rush.

My eyes scanned the booths looking for my girlfriend until my eyes settled on her sitting in the corner. A smile found its way onto my face seeing how pretty she looked in her short sundress.

My eyes took in her appearance but my smile quickly disappeared and was replaced with a nasty scowl once I saw her holding the hand of the person across from her.

Seeing her smiling and holding this other woman's hand made me hot as I approached her table. She hadn't seen me yet, but once I got close enough and she noticed who I was, her smile faded quickly.

"Jan-" she started, but once I saw who it was that was across from her all I saw was red.

"Oh HELL NO!" I ripped my glasses off, not believing my own eyes, "I know you are not over here holding hands and giggling with this hoe!" I threw the bouquet at the other woman's face making her stand up out of her seat,

"Hoe? Who you callin a-" Davina held her hand up to the woman still looking at me as she spoke,

"Ember SIT!" The woman quickly did so, and I felt a tinge of satisfaction but that feeling faded just as fast as it came.

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