I lean forward again, pressing my lips against his once more and kissing him more passionately than before.

After a quick moment, Sin pulls me closer to him. My mind is muddled with his smell, the feeling of him pressed against me, and the joy that's overwhelming me today.

I kiss him with everything I've got, all the passion that's been built between us since we met, and move to get closer to him.

His hand reaches around and hoists up my leg. I end up straddling him, one knee on each side of his waist, and lean down, connecting our mouths again.

I arch my back and press my chest against his, his hands going to my back, which is still bare from the backless shirt. His mouth kisses down my neck, and just as I move to attach our lips again, pushing my hands in his hair, the door swings open.

Sin and I break apart and look over to see all six of our friends standing there, gawking at us.

"I KNEW IT!" Aubrey screams as she points at Sin and I in victory.

"Oh my god, MY EYES!" Beckett shouts dramatically, covering his eyes.

"HEY! I thought there was a no hook-up rule!" Peyton shouts. "Not fair!!"

I move off of Sin's lap, my cheeks heating to twelve different shades of pink, and cower behind him, still sitting on the bed.

"Cough it up," Kace says in his usual strong voice, completely unphased, holding his hand out. Beckett pulls a twenty out of his pocket and hands it to Kace, as does Peyton.

They also hand Taylor twenty bucks each, and I gasp.

"You guys really placed a bet on us?!" I shout. "I thought Aubrey was joking! You guys are unbelievable."

"I told you guys she'd get mad," Skylar gloats, crossing her arms.

Aubrey turns to me and Sin as I stand up, off the bed, and says, "Look, we all knew it was coming, okay? Can we all just be happy for you and go listen to some music?"

"I second that," Taylor says.

I huff, but let it go, just happy no one's freaking out over the me-and-Sin thing.

Everyone leaves the room, leaving Sin and I alone, and I laugh, looking back over at him. He laughs with me, grabbing my hand.

"Well, I guess everyone knows," I say, shrugging. He smiles and leans down to kiss me again.

"Aren't you kind of relieved everyone knows the Sin Black is off the market?" he asks, leaving his hands on the sides of my face and his lips dangerously close to mine.

"Oh, you are?" I tease, looking up in his gorgeous eyes as he stays so close to me.

"Aren't I?" he teases back, pressing another kiss on my lips.

This is what I love about Sin. There's no need to have that awkward 'what are we?' conversation. We just understand each other.

"Ugh, thank god," I sigh, reaching up on my tiptoes to kiss him one last time.

We pull away after another quick moment, and I grab my purse, fixing my lip gloss as we go downstairs.

"Oh, Sin," I stop to tell him before reaching the stairs. He looks at me, confused, and I say, "I love the necklace. Thank you."

When we get downstairs, everyone is waiting for us.

"Ugh, thank god!" Peyton shouts. "It took you long enough to put your clothes back on."

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