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Once I get home, I feel a million times better than I did this morning.

My hand still hurts like a bitch, but luckily, Sin didn't notice. I'm not sure how, because he's too perceptive for his own good. The deranged crying must have helped distract from my bruised wrist.

I was also able to get my mind off Jared and everything that happened with Archer while I was with Sin, after pouring my heart out, of course.

Part of me still can't believe I told him so much. I seriously doubt he'll tell anyone, and he really only knows the innocent part of the story. If he had the whole picture, I'd be truly panicking.

I take a deep breath as I sit on my bed, now in fresh clothes with my makeup off.

I passed by the upstairs den on my way to my room, where Ethan was watching TV with the twins.

Flashbacks of seeing Ethan in that casino rush through my head. Why was he there? Why was he drunk? How did he even know about this underground casino? How did I not know that it existed, sitting right underneath my nose every day I'm at work?

I put on a comfy sweater and walk out to talk to him.

"Ky, have you done your homework?" I ask, aiming my question toward both of them.

They look up at me, seeming guilty. I smile. "Go on. Get it done before dinner, please."

They groan, but leave the room to get their homework. I sit beside Ethan once they're gone.

"Bee, before you start-" I raise a hand, stopping him before he can finish his thought.

"No, I'm gonna start. You've got a lot of explaining to do," I tell him. I lay it out bluntly, "First of all, why were you gambling at an illegal casino underneath the restaurant I work in?"

Ethan rolls his eyes and shrugs, obviously not interested in having this conversation. "There was nothing good on TV."

"Ethan, come on."

"No, Haven, don't 'come on' me. This is none of your business," he says, getting annoyed. "Thanks for getting me home without mom seeing last night, but I don't need you holding that over my head. I covered for you a lot with Jared, which was way harder to do."

I cringe at hearing Jared's name. It's been tossed around too much lately.

"I know you did, but this is different. What you were doing was illegal, Ethan. You're putting yourself in dang-"

"Bee, stop. We're not discussing this. Thanks for coming to get me yesterday. You won't have to do that again," he promises. "So for now, just make like the Kermit meme and realize this is none of your business."

I roll my eyes at the retort. I wonder why he's being so defensive. I try and remember what Ethan was saying on the drive home from the restaurant.

"You got a problem that you wanna deal with, but you can't. How can you? By yourself? It's impossible."

Clearly Ethan has a problem, and he's not ready to talk about it, at least not while sober. But what is that problem exactly, and what does it have to do with the casino?

Does my brother have a gambling addiction?

"There is no soccer team, is there?" I ask him, finally connecting the dots.

"I mean, there is one, I think. I'm just not on it."

I sigh, shaking my head. "Okay, if you don't wanna talk, that's fine. But next time something happens, just... call me. Okay?"

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