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"Zara! Don't talk about your sex life around the customers!" I scold her as I return from the restaurant's seating area. I push my long hair out of my face, resting an elbow on the podium and my opposite hand on my hip.

"What! I was just trying to talk to you. They just had to butt in with their reservation and shit." Zara rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"Oh my god. How do you even work here?" I ask her, laughing a little bit.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I think Hyseman is scared of me."

I laugh harder at this, Zara remaining serious. Hyseman is our boss, the manager of the restaurant, and a very small, kind of creepy man.

"I believe that, actually. Anyways, how is the baby? How are you?" I ask her, noticing a baby bump noticeably beginning to form under her uniform.

"Doing awesome, actually. Morning sickness fucking sucks, but it's starting to go away. We find out the sex this weekend," she announces. I smile widely, excited for her.

"That's great, Zara. I'm happy you're happy. Did you get anywhere with Jeremy on names?" She shakes her head, rolling her eyes at the mention of names.

The door opens, and I let Zara take this customer, attending to the seating chart in front of me.

"Hey, Sin. What's up?"

I look up to see Sin standing in front of our podium, smirking a little as he stalks closer. His black jeans are ripped at the knees, and his green t-shirt clings to him in the best way. "Hey, Zara. You look pregnant."

"Cause I am," Zara retorts. "Due in March."

"Congrats. Jeremy's getting good at that," Sin responds.

"No joke. Sin, this is Haven. Haven, have you met Sin yet?" she asks. I'm very confused as to how Zara knows Sin, but I answer as if I am calm and collected.

"Oh yeah, I have," I say simply. Sin holds that impassive expression he's perfected, but looks me up and down again.

"You stopped going through the back way, huh? How come?" Zara asks him. Why did Sin come through the back way? Why does he keep showing up here? He wouldn't answer my questions before, but maybe Zara knows something.

"Figured Hyseman would appreciate it," Sin tells her, flicking his eyes over at me briefly. I narrow my eyes at him, wondering how he knows Hyseman.

"Well, he's in the back. Go ahead," Zara says, gesturing for him to go inside the restaurant.

Sin nods at her in response, then looks at me. "See ya, Sunshine." I give him a half smile as he disappears into the restaurant.

"What the fuck was that, Haven?!" Zara shouts as soon as Sin moves out of earshot.

"What?! What are you talking about?" I hope no customers hear her shout profanities, but I don't quieten her.

"Sin was totally checking you out, bitch. Is there something going on there?" Zara asks, now lowering her voice.

Oh, I just tried to make out with him while I hammered and slept half-naked in his bed. Totally normal stuff, I say to myself.

"What! No!" Zara looks partially relieved and partially surprised at my answer, but believes me. "But what does he need Hyseman for? Why did he go through the back?" I ask her, hoping to finally get some answers.

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