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"You're sure you're okay?"

I smile at Sin's concern. "Yes, I'm sure. Thanks for jumping in."

He nods, still looking at me skeptically as we enter the classroom. Kace leaves as well, heading to his own class.

"Although, it was totally unnecessary for you to threaten him," I scold him. "You can't go around getting into fights every day, Sin. Especially not on my account."

"I couldn't stand there and say nothing," he argues. "Not after what he did to you. And having the nerve to try and talk to you today..." He shakes his head angrily, letting his sentence trail off.

"It's not your job to defend me against every one I ever have issues with. Seriously, you'd never have time to sleep."

"I can try," Sin mumbles, plopping down into his desk. I sigh, not wanting to sit down yet.

I sit on top of my desk, one leg underneath me and one dangling off the desk. Sin watches me with intrigue as I do this.

"How was work last night?" I ask him.

He cocks his head, narrowing his eyes. I can tell when he's analyzing me, and now is definitely one of those moments.

"What? I didn't ask where you work. I asked how it went. Just making small talk," I point out. "You can't tell me that either?"

Sin's eyes soften a little, deciding I really am just curious about his night.

"It was fine. Long night, I guess."

Not exactly a monologue, but for Sin, that's quite forthcoming. I beam at him, swinging my leg back and forth underneath the desk as I lean forward.

"Do you usually have to work late?" I ask him, still keeping my tone casual and light, but realizing he's probably exhausted. "You didn't go into work until, like, eight o'clock. How did you get enough sleep? You must be exhausted."

Sin half-smiles as I say this, probably thinking my concern for his sleep schedule is cute, not intrusive.

"I'm fine, Sunshine. Don't worry about me."

"That's why you're late all the time," I realize, connecting a few dots. "Is that why you ditch some days, too? Because you're catching up on sleep?"

Sin keeps his half-smile, but doesn't say anything. He goes back to analyzing me, looking me up and down intimidatingly.

"You know, you don't take direction well."

I smile, knowing he's not wrong. Rather than sit here and contemplate what Sin's job might be and annoy him with questions, I stand up.

"I'm bored. Let's leave," I say, crossing my arms. "Let's go to the canteen or something. I need to get out of this damn classroom."

Sin, to my surprise, immediately jumps up. "I've been waiting for you to say that for a while."

I laugh, walking out of the classroom with Sin on my tail. Mr. Reynolds doesn't even bat an eye as we leave, scrolling mindlessly on his iPad.

Honestly, how does this guy still have a job?

We walk to the canteen, a little snack stand students can go to on their spare hours and such.

"God, I'm starving!" I say as we get there. Sin laughs at me, a real laugh that sounds wonderful.

"You're always starving," he points out, as if this is new information.

"Hi!" I greet the guy at the counter. "Can I get a chocolate milkshake and one of those Ring Pops?"

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