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Sin Black is leaning against my window, dressed in all black, his arms crossed with a hard look on his face. I open the window, totally confused.

"Sin?" I whisper, still trying not to wake up Taylor. "The hell are you doing on my roof?"

"Why are you whispering?" he asks in a whisper.

"Taylor is here," I inform him. "And she's sleeping."

"Come out here then." I do as he says, still confused why he's here. I lead him down the roof a little to a bay ledge that we sit on, far enough from any windows that we won't be heard.

We might be in California, but it is still pretty cold at night, and I try not to shiver as the wind whips my hair around my bare shoulders.

"So... do you just enjoy late night strolls on the roofs of your friends' homes?" I ask him, placing my hands in my lap, our feet dangling off the ledge.

"Yes, actually, I've always wondered why that's not the American pastime. Baseball's so predictable," he returns.

"Maybe because it's a crime," I suggest casually, shrugging my shoulders.


I take my chance to look him over thoroughly. His hair is waving about wildly in the wind, and I notice how fast his hair grows. It's already noticeably longer than when I first met him.

Another minute or two goes by, just sitting beside each other in a soft, comfortable silence. Then Sin finally speaks up.

"I'm sorry about tonight."

I look over at him again, trying to meet his eyes. He doesn't look at me, though. "It's fine, Sin."

"No, I... I didn't mean what I said."

"About wanting me to stay away from you? About me being nosy, and a pain in the ass, and making your life harder?" I ask.

"Well... yeah. I mean, you are a pain in the ass. And you do make my life harder most of the time. You are the center of a lot of drama."

I blow a raspberry and nod, patting him on the shoulder. "Wow, you know, this is a great apology. Top ten I think I've ever gotten."

Sin rolls his eyes. "But... I don't want you to stay away from me. I mean, I guess it's kind of okay if you to stick around."

I grin like a kid. Watching Sin try to be kind and sincerely apologize, without being rude or a smart ass, is very amusing.

"It's kind of okay with me, too."

I remember the fight between him and Archer, and my involvement, which led to an argument with Sin. There have been too many arguments for one night.

"And I should have never put you in that position," he says, still looking away from me. "Should have never even tried to to fight Archer. It was fucking stupid, and impulsive..."

"Sin, you didn't involve me in anything. If anything, I involved myself," I reply. "I'm the one who forced myself into that fight. I'm the one who punched Archer. It's not like you asked me to do that."

Sin finally looks over at me, meeting my concerned eyes.

"You were right, though. I shouldn't have been fighting him at school. I'm actually glad you were there," he tells me. I furrow my brows in confusion. "I'm not sure I would have let him just walk away if you hadn't stepped in."

I want to ask what Archer did, but I don't want to push him too much. I can tell that Sin trusts me now, and I don't want to ruin that, so I just let him continue.

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