The journey.

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Eragon was deeply unnerved by the events of yazuac. The urgals had been bad enough, but he was almost certain that there had been... something else there. Some presence had reached out and touched him. And Eragon was convinced that that presence had directed him to use magic. He didnt dare mention this to Brom, lest the old man should think he was unstable and call of their search. But Saphira agreed that she had sensed it too. Brom had begun teaching Eragon magic, and he thought he was doing reasonably well. But he was still dreaming about the girl.They had had a pretty quiet journey the last couple of weeks. Which was why Eragon was so furious to find new Urgal tracks. And now they had been on the run for three days.

That's it. Eragon thinks to Saphira. Land in front of the Urgals. What are you going to do? Saphira thinks suspiciously. Eragon narrows his eyes. End this. Saphira drops into a dive and lands directly in from of the Urgals. The chieftain steps forward. "Our master demands your presence rider." He states. "You can tell galbatorix to go bugger himself!" Eragon retorts. He raises my hand and prepares to cast his spell. Eragon! No! Saphira thinks desperately. He opens his mouth to speak but just then the wind shifts. Saphira tenses and the urgals freeze in place. Without warning they turn and run. Eragon, suspecting that it wasnt his magic they were afraid of, thinks to Saphira What's going on? Saphira growls. Something foul on the air. Like death is brought to life and stalks towards us. and something else... but no. It is not possible. Brom rides up on his horse. "What the hell do you think your doing!" He shouts. Eragon explains what happened with the urgals. "We have to track them down." Brom proclaims. "If they report back that Saphira has hatched we'll all be doomed. And so the group raced off tracking the urgals. But also remaining vigilant for the other "thing" that Saphira had smelled. Finallly, the trio came upon a terrible sight. A pile of urgal parts. Something had brutally killed all the urgals. "What could have done this?" Eragon asks. Brom bends over and examines one of the urgal bodies. "If i didnt know better..." he mutters more to himself than anyone else. "We should go." Brom proclaims.

We enter Teirm and start seeking out Jeod. This new plan of actually investigating the Razac seems much more fitting of the legacy of the dragon riders than just following them. They get directions from a Batman and find their way to a street with two large mansions situated on either side of a small shop. In front of the shop we see an old lady holding a toad in her hand and speaking too a boy, perhaps a few years younger than myself. He's only dressed in pants made of a strange blue fabric and a leather jacket with fur sticking out the collar and sleeves. He has a black sword hanging off his hip. And the sight of it makes me very uneasy. Next to this blade Zarroc seems like an overglorified butter knife. As they see us approach the old woman gets up and begins leading the boy into her shop. "Excuse me." Brom says. "Could either of you tell us whic house is Jeods." The woman's eyes light up and a smirk crosses her face. "Angela." The boy says warningly. "We really need to finish our discussion." The woman looks as though she's missed out on her favorite thing in the world. "Oh alright she says." She points to one of the houses. "That one is Jeods."

Okay. Sorry this one took so long and is kind of short. But now that I'm past the dense boring part where nothing really happens i should pick up the pace a little.

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