On the road again

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Draco and His Purple dragon Achilles kept to themselves on the journey. they weren't Unfriendly per se. But nor were they eager to connect with the rest of the group. Brom took advantage of the long journey to resume my training. It seemed there was a lot we had to catch up on before we met the elves. Brom had offered to train Draco as well but he had turned him down. "do you think we can trust them?" I ask Brom one day. He shrugs. "If they wanted to kill or capture us they would have done it by now. I have no doubt that  we are no match for them." "maybe we should try probing their minds." I Suggest. Arya sits down next to me. "That, I think, would be very unwise." She looks over to where Draco is snuggled next to Achilles reading a strange tomb, titled Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. "He is born to magic. I can sense it. Ancient power runs through his veins which is greater than you or I. And becoming a rider has only made him stronger." She looks upward for a few moments as if trying to choose her next words. "He is, I believe the proper phrase amongst humans is, A fucking Scary dude." She smiles at me and Brom. "this is the correct parlance amongst your kind is it not?" " Hes saved our lives a number of times when he could easily have let us been killed." Brom says. "that should earn him at least a little trust."

"Empty your ears." Arya whispers in the ancient language. Suddenly the spell breaks. "What happened?" I asked. "I got my days wrong." She explains. "i did not wish to be anywhere near a city during the festival." Draco Storms up and glares at arya. "Where i come from its considered rude to bewitch people in their sleep. What the actual fuck?" She bows. "it was most unintentional I assure you. But might i ask how you and Achilles have managed to resist the spell?" "Did you really expect us to wander into the elf forest without wards against your sorcery?" growls Achilles in everyone's minds. "we woke up when they were triggered", Draco explains. Achilles roars and snarls at the elves. "I should swallow you all whole for this!"
"Settle Achilles." Draco says and pets his snout. he turns back to Arya. "He gets grumpy when he doesn't get enough sleep."

"well what about achilles?" I ask saphira after she explains her feelings from the festival. that she fears her race is doomed to extinction. She hesitates. "He ... is not a fit match for me." "What do you mean?" I ask. "You don't like him." She responds with a complicated series of thoughts feelings and images. I digest them for several minutes. "You think he's too intellectual?" I ask incredulously. Annoyance crosses her mind. "What, am I not entitled to have my own preferences in mate." I shrug. "Fair enough."

The meal the elves prepared consisted entirely of vegetables. The two dragons sat in places of honor at the table. The meal, despite the lack of meat, was quite pleasant. Until the flaming Bat monster showed up. A crack split in the ground and a ball of fire shut up through it. The ball twisted and contorted in air until it took the shape of a massive winged woman. Then the flames dissipated and a shriveled bat winged hag lands on the Table in front of Draco. everyone draws weapons, but Draco calmly looks up from his plate. "What?" "The monster hisses. "I have a message from your father. " Draco rolls his eyes. "What now?" "On this day The Razac have arrived in Carvahal with a host of 100 troops." "You couldn't give me any more notice?" The creature grins. Your father is not known for his sense of urgency Nico." "Dadadadada Da!" Draco scolds. "Ix nay on the Eal name ray in front of the Lvs ey." The monster turns back into fire and flies down the hole it came from whcih promptly sealed shut." Draco turns towardsw the group. "My real name is Nico. Happy?"

Nico Di Angelo Dragon Rider (Amongst other things)Where stories live. Discover now