Roran and the Razac

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Nicos time in therinsford was fairly uneventful. A single Dracena had managed to track him down, but he had disposed of him quickly enough. Achilles had grown rapidly and was now about the size of a full grown Newfoundland. He wasnt big enough to ride yet but Nico had ordered a dragon saddle from Hermès express. How Hermès could find him this far outside of his domain was beyond Nico. But of course Nico new he wouldn't be able to lay low forever.

Nico is sitting in the tavern picking at a loaf of bread when the door swings open and two men in their twenties walk in. A man at the table next to Nico jumps up with a grin on his face. "Albreich! Baldore! What brings you to therinsford?" The two men walk over to Rorans's table with somber looks on their faces. "Roran", one man says gently. "Your father is dead." Roran' mouth opens in shock. "H-How?" He asks softly. The two men looked at each other. "How?" Roran demanded. Albreich and Baldor leaned in and whispered so low no one but a demigod could have heard them. "Two strangers in black cloaks came looking for that blue stone Eragon found." Nicos head snaps to attention. Blue stone? He thought to himself. It must be the boy i dreamed about. He mentally contacted Achilles who began listening in. "Your house was destroyed, Garrow had these horrible glistening burns that wouldn't heal." Styx" Nico cursed to Achilles. It must have been the Ra Zac. Achilles growled in agreement. Nico had encounter the Ra Zac on one of his earliest visits to alagaesia. An empusa had followed him to Kuasta and reports of a fire breathing monster had drawn the Ra Zac to investigate. Of course Nico had inherited from his father a considerable gift for being unseen, and managed to escape the Ra Zac without any confrontation. "What about Eragon?" Roran Asks. Albreich and Baldor exchange a glance. "What?" Roran demands. "Hes gone. Hes run off with Brom to god Knows where." Nico leaves the tavern and darts into the alley where he shadow travels to Achilles cave.

Achilles examines Nico with His piercing Purple eyes. The time has come that you must make a choice. Nico throws his hands in the air. "All i wanted was some piece and quiet. All i wanted is some time to sort out my thoughts. Is that too much to ask for." Yes. Achilles responds shortly. Nico is taken aback. What? Achilles wraps himself around Nico. Do you recall the dream you had on the night i hatched? Of course. Nico responds with confusion. Your father said you have one lesson left to learn. " I said i remember." Nico screams into the mountains. Do you really think you will learn it in therinsford? Nico hangs his head. Are you big enough to carry me yet?

Nico Di Angelo Dragon Rider (Amongst other things)Where stories live. Discover now