The Dragon

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A sharp scratch across the arm wakes Nico from his sleep. He jumps up instinctively drawing his sword and sinking into a fighting stance. But instead of some blood thirsty monster, he sees his new dragon hatchling sitting on his bed. And staring at him with a decidedly annoyed look on its face. The morning light coming through the window glints on the dragons scales showing a deep rich violet, the same color as the glow around his sword, that wasnt visible in the late night darkness. He looks down and sees three long, but not particularly deep gashes across his bicep. He looks at the dragon annoyedly. Nico feels a mental presence push against his mind and immediately puts up his shields. Then the dragon chirps angrily at him. Nico blinks in confusion. "Oh is that you?" The dragon growls. "Sorry". Nico reaches out his mind and contacts the dragon. Why did you scratch me? Nico asks mentally. The dragon sent a series of images and feelings that translate roughly to, I was bored and you wouldn't wake up. What? Do you have somewhere to be? Nico responded. The dragon responded with a feeling of hunger. Nico sighed. Okay lets go.

Nico held out his hand and uttered a spell Lou Ellen had taught him during one of his visits to camp. Slowly tendrils of white mist materialize out of thin air an wrap around the young dragon and then fall away. Leaving a thin black cloud around the dragon. But Nico knows that any one else would only see empty space. No nobody but me can see you but everyone can still hear you and feel you, so you need to stay quiet and avoid bumping into anything or anyone. The dragon considers then acknowledges Nicos instructions. Together they walk down down the stairs and sit in the same corner booth the dragon hops up on the table and examines the other patrons curiously. Through their mental connection Nico senses the dragons contentment with being able to see without being seen. Nico smirked. He loved it too. Nico orders a roasts he and slices off several pieces for the dragon so that nobody would notice large pieces of chicken floating off his plate and vanishing.

After both of them were full The dragon sent Nico an emotion which asked quite clearly. What now? Nico considers for a moment. We need to find someplace for you to hide. The dragon began to protest but Nico cut it off with an image of a purple dragon the size of an elephant stuck in the door of his room. The dragon begrudgingly agreed that an alternative arraignment needed to be made. We can still spend all day together. I can keep you invisible well enough. But we'll need to find you somewhere to sleep. Deep enough in the spine you'll be able to fly and hunt and do whatever without being seen. The dragon looks Nico square in the eyes. The egg breaker will come for us eventually. Nico smirks and sends the Dragon images from his past. Gods, Titans, Giants, Monsters, The Pit, War. Galbatorix has an overinflated sense of his abilities. Nico explains. He has power beyond belief but he has not the wisdom to use it. He's just a common thug. How could he ever Fight a monster like me. With that Nico slumps back in his chair and hangs his head. Then the dragon pushes a single image into his mind. US.  Nico smiles at the dragon. Besides. He sends an image of the boy from his dream. That's not our fight, were on our own journey.

Nico and the dragon slip into an alley and he shadow travels them into the spine. There they find a large cave about half way up a mountain. Only reachable by flight or Shadow travel. Nico places several spells around the cave to conceal it from both sight and magical detection. And so over the next several weeks they developed a rhythm.In the mornings Nico would leave the Village and meet the dragon in the spine. Nico would hunt with the dragon then conjur skeleton warriors to train with his various weapons and magic. When the dragon grew big enough, which wasn't long. It began training in combat as well.  Sometimes Nico would wrap the dragon in mist and he would fly over city as Nico walked through the streets listening to rumors or doing business with various merchants. But he and the dragon kept their minds connected constantly. Overtime the dragon began to use less feelings and images and more and more words And Nico quickly figured out it was a boy. Finally Nico came to a realization that should have been obvious.

You need a name. He thinks at the dragon. No shit. The dragon thinks back while cleaning his claws. His voice is even and smooth and neither high pitched nor deep and gruff. Nico rolls his eyes. Well are there any you like.  The dragon thinks while digging his claws through the dirt. Then he sends Nico an image. Nicos jaw hits the floor. "Why do you want that name?" Nico asks out loud. The dragon curls its lip, apparently amused at his surprise. Why? Nico urges. The dragon becomes somber. Because the dragons were once mighty, but now we are laid low. Nico considers for a second then places a hand on his dragons side. Alright, I name you Achilles.

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