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The shadows shudder and condensed as i arrive. I step out into the cool night air. i take a deep breath. I love being outdoors but that deweldenvarden is just toxic to me. so full of life and happiness. I shudder. this regular outdoors is much nicer. suddenly i sense something. i turn quickly to the left and see a tall man, about a year or two older than eragon gaping at me in astonishment. "Uhm, are you roran?" He regains his sense and raises a bow to me. "I have no intention of going quietly." I roll my eyes. "Im not with galbatorix. im an aquaintance of Eragon and ive come to help. now put that thing down before you embarrass yourself." whether out of surprise or because he didnt believe me, im not sure. but he released the bow string and fired an arrow directly at my face. I catch the arrow in mid air, snap off the head with my thumb, and whap him up side the face with the shaft. Suddenly another person bursts into the clearing and looks surprised. "Who are you?" he shouts. "My name is Nico. Im a friend of Eragon. Im here to help you." The two men exchange a glance. How do we know you arent one of the kings spellcasters here to trick us?" Roran asks. " Because if i was i would have captured you already." I retort. Roran considers me briefly. then turns to his friend. "What news do you have?"

"the razac questioned katrina but she didnt tell them anything." Baldor looks thoughtfully at roran then speaks again. "Maybe you should consider giving yourself up." Roran looks shocked. "Give myself up tot he empire?" "Its just that while youre hiding you put the whole village at risk." Baldor says. "Thats easy for you to say. youre not the one who the empires looking for." roran retorts. Baldor nods in acknowledgement. "It wont work." I explain. The two men look at me. "The razac are a great many things but merciful has never been one of them. you saw what they did to garrows farm after he was already dead. if roran turns himself in the razac will leave. but theyll make sure to get their amusement out of carvahall before they do." those words hang in the air. "then what are we to do?" asks roran. i tilt my head to listen to achilles thoughts. even from this far away our spirits are strong enough to touch. I nod in agreement. "There is only one thing to do. Hammer and tongs."

After night fall we watch the blacksmiths forge waiting for the signal from baldor that all the men have gathered there. then i grab roran by the shoulder and pull him through the night. as we materialise in the forge a collective gasp goes up from the crowd. i roll my eyes. "everyone." Says roran. this is Nico. Hes a friend of eragon and hes come to help us. Everyone gapes at me. "What!" I snap. "Youre a magic user." says a man wearing an apron covered in blood. the butcher sloan i assume. "So!" i ask. everyone glances at eachother nervously.

"you have no choice." i explain. if you dont give up roran the razac will destroy the village. if you do give him up theyll destroy the village anyway just for shits and giggles. youre only hope is to leave." A horrible clamor of shouting and arguing erupts. out of the corner of my eye i see rorans face and i can see in his expression he knows im right. "enough" shouts horst. then he looks at me. "even if we were to accept that youre right. we have no where else to go." "we could go to surda."roran anounces surprising everyone. "we could cross the spine to narda and hire a ship to take us to surda. from there we could link up with the varden." everyone gapes at roran. "Roran!" roars albreich. have you lost your mind?"

"Nico is right." He says. the empire wont leave us alone even if they get what they want. in the eyes of galbatorix were all equally guilyt of whatever it is that eragon has done." at this point everyone looks at me. I sigh. "Its ... complicated. for now lets suffice it to say that Eragon has joined the varden. and that his service to them has the potential to be most harmful to the crown." disbelieving silence fills the forge. "Even if we wanted to leave we could never get away from the village with the soldiers watching the camp. we'd be killed on sight." Says sloan. "True." I acknowledge. "we'd have to fight the soldiers off first." Another stunned silence. "Fight!" Roars an old man. Fight the kings hand chosen professional soldiers and the razac as well. i dont even think those two are human!" "They definately are not human." I agree. "But ive killed monsters before." everyone looks now at my sword. even in its sheath its aura of pure death radiates like a cold chill.

the villagers were, on average, not very happy about my suggestion. Most of them seemed to feel that even with my help they were too far outmatched. Of course thats only because they didnt know enough about me. truth be told i could if i wanted, probably take on both razac and the whole company of soldiers single handedly. of course that would only draw the kings attention and force him to send an even greater force from which it might be impossible to escape. but for somereason i feel like trying to explain that wouldnt work out so well. Finally i stand up and everyone goes silent. "you all know im right. this is the only way out of this mess. i can help you but only if you let me. dont wait untill its too late." I hold out my arm to roran who grabs it. and we melt into shaddow again. back in the spine we talk for a long time untill finally a scream from the village draws our attention. we look to see a massive fire blazing. and spreading from house to house. I sigh. "May the gods bare witness i tried to warn them."
so sorry for the long delay

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