Everybody stares at Draco, or i guess Nico, in shock. He sighs. "Oka. yes, I told you my name was Draco. but names have power. and its not like you didn't know it was an alias. "What the hell was that thing! Brom growls. Nico frowns. "What thing?" everyone stares at him. "Uhm. I believe hes referring to the flaming bat creature." arya explains. "Oh." Nico says disinterestedly and picks at his food a little bit. "Its called a fury. there are three of them. They work for my father."
suddenly i realise what the fury had been saying. "Oh my god!" The Razac have arrived in Carvahall! They're going after Roran! I have to help him!" "No." Nico says. "You need to stay and get your training. Ill go to Carvahall. I'm much more prepared to deal with this kind of situation." It takes me a moment before i realise what Nico is implying. I scowl. "You mean to say that I'm helpless!" Nicos eyes narrow. "What i mean to say is that this is your first war. you dont have as much experience as i do and you have alot more to gain from formal training." "he is right." Saphira advises me, but i dont listen. "I killed durza! Me! not you!" Nico rolls his eyes. "Yes. you did. and thats no small acomplishment. no pitiless fool can saly a shade. even if his back is turned the other way." Anger wells up inside me. "But are you truly so dilusional as to think that you were truly a match for him? or that you could do it again?"
perhaps it was because i knew what he said was true, but Nico's words made me angry. "I bet i could best you in a duel! I shout. Nico looks like hes about to argue but Achilles speaks in everyones mind. "Just humor him. it will be faster than arguing." and so our group went up to the elves sparing ground. We both safe our blades. Nicos sword makes me uneasy. its like nothing ive ever seen before. "Just so you know." I say. " Broms training was pretty intense so Ahhhhh!" I keel over as Nico kicks me right in the crotch." "Small talk is not a viable sword fighting strategy." Nico says. "Didn't brom teach you that?" I rise to my feet. "Thats cheating!" Nico rolls his eyes. "theres no such thing in a real fight. theres only living and dying." I grimace and lash out at him with Zarroc." He sidsteps, catches Zarroc on his cross guard, and twist flinging Zarroc out of my hand. then smacks me across the head with his sword. he raises an eyebrow. "Give up?" I growl. Not a chance!"
it doesn't take long before I realize the duel is a lost cause. Nico is the best fighter I've ever seen. he fights like a demon. Whirling and twirling and summersaulting. his sword slashing through the sword with so much speed i can barely keep track of it. Im more outmatched by him, then i was by Arya or even Durza. Not even the first time I dueled Brom was I this helpless. Finally after the 15th or so time he takes my legs out from under me, I do something rash. I thrust out my hand and shout a spell. Nothing happens. but i feel my strength plummet. Nico juts out his hand and shouts a spell of his own. I go limp I suddenly feel like half my body weight is gone. my flesh is laying in a soft puddle. Saphira sighs in my mind. "I told you this was a bad idea." "aren't you supposed to be on my side?" I retort. "I was on your side when i advised you not to fight him." she responds. "But you picked a fight you could not win and now you have no bones. such is the way of the world. it is not a matter of sides."
Nico reverses his spell. and I get shakily to my feet. after having bested me in every conceivable way he's barely broken a sweat. "Ready to give up yet?" he asks. "who are you!" I shout. Nico gazes off into the distance. "there was a time once when i thought i knew. but life is long and people change. whether its for the better has yet to be seen."

Nico Di Angelo Dragon Rider (Amongst other things)
FanfictionNico decided weeks ago to leave. He doesn't belong at either camp. Of course a certain son of Apollo who shall remain nameless has complicated the situation. But Nico needs to get away. So he opens a portal to the land of alagaesia. A secret world d...