First day of school

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I'm running into the bathroom trying not to cry. I can't believe my boyfriend just broke up with me on my first day to my new school. I run into the stall and I grab my phone. I call Tiki.

Tiki: Hey is everything ok?

Hannah: Justin just broke up with me

Tiki: I'm gonna kill him! No one hurts my little cousin. Where are you right now?

Hannah: I am in the bathroom in the back of the school.

The bell rang and my first day of my new school was officially over. Tiki is my cousin and he is one year older than me. I just started going to his school because I had to move into his neighborhood because my parents let me spend my senior year with my best friend/ cousin.

I walk out of the bathroom and text Tiki to meet me at my locker. I walk over to my locker and people are staring at me as they walk past me in the hall. I grab my phone and put the camera on. Dammit! I have makeup running down my face. I go back into the bathroom and grab a paper towel and wipe the mascara off my cheeks.

I get to my locker and I see Tiki walk up with a friend.

Tiki: Hey Hannah this is my friend Aaron.

I look at the tall skinny boy with bleached hair. He's cute and looks really familiar but I can't figure out where I have seen him before.

Hannah: Hi I'm Hannah. I'm Tiki's cousin

Aaron: Nice to meet you

Tiki: So since the first day of school is a half day we were going to go to our friend's house. His name is Zack and he said it's ok if you tag along. Do you want to come with us?

I mean anything will be better to take my mind off of Justin. I smile and nod. We started walking to the parking lot and Tiki grabbed my shoulder and told Aaron to meet us at the truck.

Tiki: Hey I know you went through a lot today with it being your first day at a new school and Justin breaking up with you but I wanted to tell you I am proud of you. You are a strong girl and I know you can get through this. Justin doesn't deserve you. You deserve so much better.

I start to tear up in my eyes and Tiki hugs me. We stayed there hugging for a couple of seconds.

TIki: Come on the boys will help you get your mind off of him.

We got into Tiki's truck and Aaron let me have the front seat. Aaron is so sweet. We drive off to Zack's house. 

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