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It was a couple of weeks later and everyone was fully adjusted to the younger Yn. She was coming on in leaps and bounds and was full of words.

"It's like someone opened a floodgate and the words came tumbling out." Jin laughed as they were discussing it in a dressing room.

"Agreed, once she started she really went for it." Taehyung grinned at them in the mirror as his hair was being given it's finishing touches.

"I'm just glad she's walking again. The random flopping over, used to scare me no end." Jungkook sighed as he took a look in the mirror and slightly adjusted his fringe. He thanked the stylist and went across the room to pick Yn up who was with Jimin. They were sat together on the floor playing with a shape sorter.

"Maybe she's actually gone up a bit in age now. She does seem a little different." Jimin added, hearing their conversation. Namjoon piped up from in the corner. He agreed Yn did seem a little bigger than compared to a few weeks back when she would only say 'papa' and could barely sit up without falling over. 

Jungkook mulled the thought over and agreed. She did seem a little older now. 

"Ready?" He asked as he balanced her on his hip as the staff came in the door giving the five-minute warning causing the last few stylists to finish up quickly.  
"Ready?" Yn copied and they all smiled at her as she grinned and clapped. 

They all made their way out and down the halls towards the set and this is where they looked at each other. Jimin squeezed Yn's cheek gently.
"Twinkle toes? You need to wait here okay?" He said gently with a big smile, covering his own anxiety about leaving her alone for more than two seconds. Yn nodded.
"Wait here." Yn copied and Jin breathed a sigh of relief. She understood and didn't seem worried.

They sat here on the edge of the set with some toys and the soft bunny. They all kissed her goodbye on her cheeks, forehead, lips, hands anything they could reach as they were called away, and as they glanced at her she was happily playing. Sat on the floor with her legs crossed and her toys around her.

Yn wasn't sat there long when she heard footsteps and saw a pair of black shoes appear in her peripheral vision. Thinking it was a papa back already she looked upwards.She recognised this man but she couldn't think where from. Her little mind had absorbed so much since then he was just a fuzzy memory she couldn't recall.

He crouched down and smiled at her.
"Hey Beautiful. What'cha got there?"
"Toys!" Yn smiled happily picking up a doll and passing it to him, He chuckled quietly and told Yn she needed to be quiet or the mics would pick up her voice. Yn nodded very seriously and looked at him.

"Need weewee." Yn said twisting her face in discomfort. She glanced behind the man to her papas who were all busy on set and then back at him again. He wasn't sure what to do but knew her mindset was young and he couldn't just leave her. After all he'd cared for her before.

"Come here beautiful. I'll take you." He smiled standing up and holding his arms out. Yn happily stood up and clambered into his arms.
"Bunny!" She suddenly gasped looking behind her and he saw she'd left the bunny on the floor with the rest of the toys. The bunny was obviously special. Without a second thought, he hooked his toe underneath it and flicked it in the air catching it, a c bit clumsily, and handed it to Yn who was perched on his hip.
"Right let's get you to the bathroom."
"Weewee!" Yn repeated and he chuckled.
"Okay okay, we're going." He smiled and carried her off.

The boys couldn't hide their panic when a few minutes later they'd finished up their dance and had gone back to find Yn missing.
"Oh god, not again!" Jungkook panicked but Namjoon placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to hide his own inner turmoil.
"Now now. Keep calm she walks now she could have just wandered off. Don't assume the worst." He soothed and one of the cameramen turned around overhearing them.

"Some man picked her up and carried her off. She needed the toilet." He said with a smile as he turned off his equipment, assuming all was fine. Yn seemed to be comfortable with this man after all. They all sighed with relief but still felt uncomfortable. Who'd taken her and how could they be sure he'd bring her back?

It's not what you think. x

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