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It was a few moments later when Yn was placed on her feet, standing slightly behind papa bunny as he stood before her protectively, holding her dainty hand in his, talking to the muscle pig security guard Yn had to come to spend a lot of time with since her coming to live with the boys.

She was feeling scared that Mark was somewhere in the near vicinity and yet she couldn't bring her mind to focus. All she was thinking about was how this big ol' unit of a security guard had never been dubbed with a nickname, and he'd saved her so many times. Sure it was a serious situation with the fire alarms blaring and chaos surrounding her but she couldn't shake this guy after all this time of looking after her deserved a name. 

"TANK!" Yn suddenly shouted and Jungkook turned to look at her as did the huge security guard.
"What?!" Jungkook asked, his voice carrying a hint of annoyance, he was trying his best to discuss how to keep her safe and now wasn't the time for her random games. Yn suddenly went shy and just shook her head.
"Nothing. Sorry papa." She muttered burying her face into the sleeve of his jumper to hide her red face. Listening to the chaos around her for a few minutes as her mind travelled back to the moment she was in and she started muttering to herself.

"Mark was outside. Meany Bombeanie Mark. Then I slept. Then woke up to the woo-woos going off. Papa grumpy said it's not us going out the woo-woo door it's what's come in it...What's come in it?.." She puzzled quietly to herself, her little eyebrows furrowed as she clung to the back of papa's jumper one side of her face resting against the soft material as she leaned against him, picking her brain trying to make sense of what she had heard. 

She didn't have the chance to dwell on it for long before someone took her hands in theirs and bent down to be eye-level with her.
"Papa Tae Tae." Yn smiled as she squeezed his big hands.
"Baby girl. I need you to really really listen to me okay. Are you scared?" He asked gently looking up at her and Jungkook's heart broke as he watched her smile falter as she pieced it together in her mind.

Of course she was scared. She knew Mark was somewhere and this chaos wouldn't be for nothing. The falter in her smile told him she was trying to be okay for them. She didn't want her papas to worry and Jungkook had to swallow the lump in his throat. The thought of what was about to happen made him feel sick to his stomach. He wasn't sure if he could go through with it as he watched Tae explain and Yn's face fall as she looked around the room at all the papas, one by one. Panic evident on her face, tears welling up in her eyes as her grip tightened unbearably tight on Taehyung's hands. 

"Papas no! No, you can't leave me!" Yn begged as tears broke free and rolled down her face. She looked at Jungkook as she continued to hold Tae's hands.
"PAPA PLEASE!" She begged and Jungkook was lost for words as he wiped his own eyes. He looked at the security guard Yn had dubbed 'Tank' and he shook his head.

"Please? There's got to be a better idea!" Jungkook begged and Jin hugged the younger.
"Come on Kook. This is the safest way." He soothed and Jungkook snapped back shoving him away, lost in his panic to see sense.

"How?! HOW IS LEAVING HER THE BEST WAY?!" He roared angrily going to pick Yn up but Tank stood in the way picking her up himself. Jungkook glowered at the unit holding his daughter.
"Give her to me." He ordered and Jimin stepped in.
"Jungkook c'mon! It'll be too obvious if we take her! She needs to leave the building with someone else. Someone Mark won't be expecting. He'll be looking for you or us to find her. She's in more danger with us!" Jimin reasoned and Yn sobbed listening in, the realisation that Mark really was after her and in the building was clearly setting in.

"Papa i-is it s-safer for me w-with T-Tank? Really and t-truly safe?" Her lip quivered where she was trying to stop crying to talk and as much as it hurt Jungkook to admit it she was safer with 'Tank'. Mark would go straight for Jungkook expecting him to have Yn. 

Jungkook couldn't meet Yn's eyes as he nodded looking at the floor, his voice barely audible over the chaos of people shouting at them to hurry up.
"Y-yeah. Yeah it is princess." He agreed angrily. He wasn't angry at Tank. More that he wasn't able to keep Yn safe himself.

"Right then the plan needs to happen NOW." Namjoon snapped pointing towards the door as someone came in with a bundle of jumpers strung together. Following the plan Jungkook tugged on a huge hoody and zipped it up over himself and the bundle he held on his front as they shoved Yn's hat she'd been messing around with in front of the crowd earlier on top of the bundle. 
"It's not perfect but at a glance it does kinda look like you're hiding her in the jumper." Hoseok said with a shrug and they set off out the door in a run with a ton of security, purposely aiming towards the direction Mark had last been spotted in the building.

Yn burst into tears as she watched her papas run off without her.
"Don't worry kiddo! Uncle Tank has got you. They're acting as a deterrent, Mark will never suspect it to be just me and you. We're going a different way while Mark goes after them." Tank smiled and Yn nodded.
"You ready girl?" He asked with a brave smile and Yn felt a tiny bit better. He seemed confident and he was definitely strong enough to keep a hold of her. She took a big breath and gave him one sure nod. Wrapping her arms around his neck and fisting his T-shirt for extra grip as he called her a good girl and set off at a fast run out the door, the opposite way down the corridors to where her papas had run as he held her tightly like she was the most precious cargo in the world. Because to the boys she really was. 

Think Meanie Bombeanie Mark will find Yn and Tank?

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