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By the time the boys got home, it was late but Yn was awake and happy. She'd napped not long before they left the photoshoot, which had caused an argument between Taehyung and Hobi. Hobi thought it was better to keep her awake for moments like now when it was bedtime and she was wide awake, and Tae argued back that babies can sleep whenever they want. Because they're just babies. Hoseok couldn't fight that logic, so sat with Yn in her makeshift playpen of sofas, after Jimin and Namjoon snapped earlier that day, and let her fall asleep on the mountain of pillow on the floor, clutching her bunny's ear as he stroked her hair and hummed to her. 

"Oh, crikes boys. Who's staying up? This is gonna' be a long one." Jin's voice holding a smile as he looked at Yn sat on the floor happily playing with her soft books and plushie building blocks, throwing them around without a care in the world despite the late hour. 

They all smiled lovingly at her and Jungkook crouched down.
"Who's staying up with you Princess?" He asked gently and Yn looked around at everyone.

Papa Joonie was rubbing his eyes.
Papa Jin was yawning.
Papa Jimin was stretching.
Papa Grumpy was looking at his watch with a sigh.
Papa TaeTae was staring into nothingness.
Papa was looking sleepy as he looked at her.
Papa Sunshine was smiling.

She crawled across the floor past Jungkook and over to Hoseok, clinging to his trouser leg and making grabby hands when he looked down at her.
"Hobi it is." Yoongi chuckled and walked over to kiss Yn goodnight as Hoseok picked her up and settled her on his hip.

They all kissed her goodnight and Jungkook gave Hobi strict instructions to get him if anything happened. He had desperately wanted Yn to pick him but he didn't want to go against her wishes so if she wanted Hobi, that was fine. His Princess would have whatever she wanted. He was the last to say goodnight and took her into his arms giving her a huge kiss on her cheek.
"Be good little one. Papa's are all upstairs okay? We love you lots. Be good for Papa Sunshine." He cooed gently rubbing his nose against hers before handing her back to Hobi. 

They all vanished upstairs one by one until it was just Hoseok and Yn left downstairs. He placed Yn on the floor and surrounded her with toys and pillows, just in case she flopped over like she often did, and went into the kitchen to make up a bottle. It had been a good few hours since her last one with her finger foods so she was about due another.
"This is still new to us fluff so just be patient with us." He said to himself as he gingerly made up a bottle. Carefully tipping it upside down to check it wasn't going to leak. He nodded happily to himself upon getting it right and walked back to Yn. 

"Hey fluff. Do you want this?" Hoseok asked happily with a smile showing Yn the bottle but she just turned her attention back to the toys and Hoseok shrugged. 
"Not yet then." He chuckled and gently placed it on the side as he picked her up and sat her on his lap so she was facing him. He took her hands and made her clap as he sang a silly song making her laugh.
"You like singing huh?" He grinned and sang some more as he made her clap along and she grinned so wide she let the dummy drop from her mouth and wasn't at all bothered about getting it back. She was enjoying the singing and clapping with papa Sunshine.

After the song had been sung till it sounded like all the words were merging into one in Hoseok's mind he stopped and messed with her instead.
"Who's papa?" He asked happily and Yn looked at him blankly and he pointed to himself.
"Papa Sunshine. Yn." He said pointing between them and he repeated this a few times and tried again.
"Who's papa Sunshine?" He asked with a happy voice and Yn carefully pointed at herself and he shook his head, gently taking her wrist and adjusting it to point at himself.
"Papa Sunshine. Yn." He repeated and asked her again and she pointed at him.

"YES FLUFF!" He cheered loudly and did it with her a few more times. So pleased she'd learned something new with him.

Eventually she began to yawn and he offered her the bottle again. She did the little grabby motion and he was certain that this time she wanted it. He used a bit of quick thinking and picked up the bottle and plushie bunny in one hand and carried her upstairs. He gently placed Yn on the bed where she flopped over and he placed the dummy in her mouth and she whimpered.
"I know fluff. I know you want the bottle but just lemme get into my sleepwear and I'll give it to you in bed, that way when you fall asleep you're already in the right place. Hold on sweetheart." He pleaded, yanking his pyjamas on at lightning speed. He quickly put Yn in the bed and laid down next to her leaving just a dull lamp on as he pulled the dummy out of her mouth, gave her the plushie bunny to clutch and placed the bottle between her lips as he let out a huge yawn himself. It wasn't long before Yn had finished the bottle and with droopy eyes was rubbing her thumbs up and down the bunnies soft ears. Hoseok propped himself up on one elbow as he watched her nod off. He kissed her cheek once she was asleep and turned the lamp off, drifting off himself, wondering what tomorrow would hold with baby Yn. All her furniture was due to turn up and her whole room would change.

I'm trying to get some quality time with baby Yn and everyone. Don't worry she's still Jungkook's Princess but we gotta cater for all biases here. No one gets left out :) 

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