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Yoongi and Namjoon went rushing after Jungkook after he stormed into his room leaving Yn alone. Jin however wasn't far behind and quickly went into Yn's room to find her crying.

'Oh Yn, sweetheart.' Jin said softly as he came rushing into the room to find Yn sat on the floor sobbing into the pyjama top. Jin took his own tshirt off as he crouched in front of her and gently took her wet top of out her hands and put his in it. She gladly tugged the large tshirt on. Thankful Jin was quick-thinking enough to hand her something that wasn't related to her little space to wear as she clearly wasn't in it anymore.

'What happened?' Jin asked softly tugging her to her feet and giving her a huge hug as she sobbed and explained everything that had happened.
'-a-and he just seemed like he didn't want to even help get me dressed. Like it was some massive chore for him and it made me so uncomfortable!'

Jin nodded and 'mhmmed' in all the right places as Yn stepped back and dried her eyes on the bottom of Jins huge tshirt. Meanwhile Namjoon and Yoongi were battling with a very stubborn angry and confused young man in the room next door.

'What the hell dude!' Yoongi growled as gestured to the sounds of crying coming from the room next door. Jungkook sniffed loudly as he plopped onto the edge of his bed and sat with his head in his hands. Namjoon sat next to him, trying to play good cop if Yoongi was gonna play bad cop.
'Kook, talk to us.' Namjoon said gently and waited for the youngest to talk, the sounds of his sniffing filling the room.

'I-I don't know how to deal with it anymore!' He burst out and sobbed harder and the two olders looked at each other not sure what he meant. They waited patiently for him to continue as Yoongi came and perched on the edge of the bedside table next to Kook and Joon on the bed. 
'Like, it's so hard to admit it but I just can't see her the same anymore..' He cried and Yoongi vanished returning a moment later with some tissue for Jungkook. The youngest took it greatfully.

'You're gonna need to explain a bit better Jungkook.' Namjoon urged gently trying to push for more of what was going on. Jungkook took a deep breath to calm himself down. 
'I'm just crying because i'm frustrated and angry at myself.' He mumbled wiping his eyes and removing his tshirt where he was getting unbearably hot from getting wound up.

'It hit me the last few days. I can't see her the same anymore and i've been trying my best to ignore it but it's getting harder and harder and today it just got too much. She's been getting better in big space and the way I see her is changing and when she misbehaves like today and she's rolling around infront of me topless it's like she's doing it on purpose to annoy me..'

Namjoon and Yoongi both swallowed hard and looked at each other. They were afraid this might happen one day. They just never pictured it to be Jungkook that it happened too. Just as Yoongi was about to open his mouth the door burst open and Yn came raging in with a freshly tshirted Jin behind her.
'What the hell!' She roared going all guns blazing at Jungkook as she stormed across the room but Jin quickly wrapped and arm around her waist to keep her from doing anything stupid like hitting Jungkook in her rage.

'I only act out because you've been acting like an asshole!' She bellowed and at this point, everyone was crowding into Jungkook's room to find out what the hell was going on.
'I'm acting like this to stop it from being awkward!' Jungkook shouted back as he stood up pointing an accusing finger in Yn's direction,  annoyed that she was trying to pin the blame on him. Namjoon quickly stood up and put his arm out ready to stop Jungkook from getting any closer and Yoongi looked slightly worried about where the hell this was going and how it was going to end.

Yn laughed.
'To stop it being awkward? What kind of backwards logic is that?! Because the only thing you've done IS make it awkward and I can't help throwing a tantrum okay? It's the only way I know how to cope when you're acting a twat!' She accused and Jungkook's face was redder than ever.

'IT WOULD HAVE BEEN MORE FUCKING AWKWARD IF I TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU AS MORE THAN JUST A CAREGIVER WOULDN'T IT!?' He roared, shoving Namjoon's arm out the way as he met Yn's gaze with a furiours look and barged past her so hard he knocked her clean over as he shot out the room, downstairs grabbing a hoody and his keys and the front door went with a slam. They all followed him downstairs in a rush, crowding the front door as Yn yanked it open but the Mustangs tail lights were already speeding down the driveway in the darkness. 

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