: : Part XLII : :

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: : Part XLII : :

Tuesday, July 17th 2012 | Parker’s Family Home, Western Australia | Carson Evans {19}, Alex Parker {19} and Sienna Parker {17}

Your mouth twitched up. You smiled at her. Her hair was slightly curled, and her eyes had light makeup covering them. Sienna laughed at something you just said, trying to do her eye liner.

“Carson…” Sienna continued to speak to you, but you weren’t paying all your attention on the conversation, but, on her appearance. She wore a navy blue dress, that reached her lower thigh, just above her knees, showing off her long, pale, legs. The dress was fitted above her waist, pushing up her chest slightly. And it was strapless apart from the sheer navy piece of fabric that wrapped from her chest up to her neck.

“Are you even listening to me?” Sienna asked, pulling you out of your trance, running your eyes up and down her.

“Of course I am.” You replied.

“Okay.” She put down her mascara and turned to you with her hands on her hips. You didn’t move you just looked her. Her eyebrow raised.


“Do I look okay?” She asked, smirking tone in her voice.


She smiled and turned away, putting on her heels.

You looked on her bathroom bench and saw her necklace. The one you got her for her sixteenth birthday. It was small, silver and heart shaped. “Here, put this on.” You said, picking up the necklace and handing it to her.

“Oh, I almost forgot.” She put it on, and smiled. “Thankyou.” She gave you a sweet peck on your cheek.

“Sienna.” Alex yelled, pulling her away from you. “Dan is here.”

“Bye, Carson.”

“Bye, Sienna.”


You were sprawled on your bed, writing nothing in particular. Just mucking around with characters, words. Your phone began to vibrate and you answered it.

“Yeah, Alex?”

“Carson,” Alex said out of breath. “I think I broke Sienna.”

“What?” You asked him but you heard her in the back ground. A sob. “I’ll be right over.”

You knocked on her bedroom door. “Go away, Alex.” You walked in. “Carson.”

“In the flesh.” You smiled, but your eyes hit her image. She was a blubbering mess. Her bags under her eyes were puffy and swollen. Her face washed out and her actual eyes had aged. She looked broken… or like she got in a fight, a physical fight.  “S, what happened?”

Sienna sniffled and exhaled, her breath was broken up in chunks. “Me and Dan broke up.” Her eyes met yours.

“Aww come here.” You say, placing the brown paper bag you had on her bed side table and grabbed her on her bed and pulled her into a hug. “Hey, hey, it’ll be okay. Everything will work itself out.”

Her body shook in your arms, and your shirt stuck to your skin slightly. She was crying. “How are you so sure.”

“Because,” you pulled away slightly, caressing her blonde hair slightly, “I bought supplies. Tom and Jerry Ice Cream with along side Maltesers. And I know for a fact nothing is so bad that Tom and Jerry’s cannot fix.” You smiled at her, pulling them out of the bag as you mentioned them.

She smiled back, and you got off her bed. She looked at you confused and you walked over to her TV and placed a movie in the drive.

The Princess and The Frog displayed up on her screen. Sienna laughed. “Really?”

“Yeah, it’s the best. You’ve got talking animals, humans that turn into frogs, music, weird tarot guy, and a hot blonde. What more could you possibly want?”

Sienna slapped your arm playfully.

Half way through the film right after Ray announced his undying love and faith in Evangeline, Sienna spoke.

“He told me that-” she broke off, a lump forming in her throat, “that I was easy, he was only looking for a easy and good fuck. And, I wasn’t even that good. Not worth all the time being pursued.”

“That’s not true, Sienna. You are worth everything, every second, every moment of being pursued.”

She sighed, in disbelief.

“Sienna, you aren’t easy… you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” you tilted her head to see her easier, “you deserve more than any man can give you.”

“You really think that?” She asked you.

“I do.”

She smiled softly, “He was a bit of a dick wasn’t he.”

“Yeah.” You smiled at her, and took a bite of the Tom and Jerry carton that sat on her lap.

And then, in that small second, something dawned down upon you.

You were the best friend, someone who was constant in her life… and you would always be there for her. And you wanted something. You wanted her to promise you, to always remember you and her. That she won’t forget the laughs, the jokes, the smiles or conversations, the plans, tears or memories, or any of the experiences that made up the friendship. You never wanted her to forget anything.

And you would never do anything to endanger that.

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