: : Part XX : :

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: : Part XX : :

Sunday, February 7th, 2010 | Sal’s Diner and Carson’s Car | Alex and Carson {17} and Sienna {15}

Her uniform was adorable. She wore a blue flared skirt that ended a little above her knees, a white apron, and a black white collared shirt. Her name was sowed on her shirt, in big swirly writing. She wore long white socks and her black Doc Martins. You smile, her shoes were against the dress code but she probably told her boss to shove it. Sal, the owner of the diner, probably just smiled and allowed Sienna to wear her shoes.

Tonight was Sienna’s first shift, so all the family went {and that included you}. Your parent’s, Sienna’s parents, Alex and yourself, squished into a booth. You, Alex and his Dad, Ben, sat on one side while the others sat opposite you.

Sienna came over to the booth and smiled. “You guys ready to order?”

“I would like a Sal’s Slammer with no beetroot, extra cheese, extra bacon and extra egg, with double chips and a coke…no a vanilla coke.” Alex spoke, his words flew out of his mouth so fast Sienna had no chance to write it down.

“So, that’s a Sal’s Slammer with…” Sienna started but her mother cut her off.

“He will have a burger with chips and a coke.” Her mother smirked.

“But, I want…” Alex whined.

“You get what you are given, Alex, and if you don’t like it. I will ask Sienna to drop your food and you just enjoy watching us eat. So shut your mouth.”

“But Mum…”

“Alex, I am warning you.”

“Fine, but can I have a vanilla coke.” He pleaded.

She just nodded and Sienna smiled. “So we’re cancelling the Sal’s Slammer with no beetroot, extra bacon, egg and cheese, with double chips and a vanilla coke.” Alex’s jaw crashed to the ground, impressed and shocked at his sister’s waitressing skills.

“How the hell did you do that? You literally just started ten minutes ago and we are your first customer.” Alex asked.

“Alex, I know how to take notes… and listen.” Sienna answered.

Alex stayed quiet.

“And ordering a Sal’s Slammer with chips and a vanilla coke?” Sienna asked her mother and she just smiled.

After taking everyone’s order she left and the conversation picked up. Your father and Alex’s were talking about the day’s work load, and your mothers were discussing future plans.

“This sucks.” Alex grumbled.

“What sucks?”

“I’m not even going to enjoy my food.”

“What’s wrong with your food? You love Sal’s Slammer’s.”

“No, I don’t. I love Alex’s version of Sal’s Slammers. Not the normal one.” Alex groaned, referring to himself in third person.

You were about to tell Alex to get over it, when Sienna returned with the drinks. “Here you go.” She placed all the drinks down in front of the owner. “I will be back in a tick with your food.”

You watched her walk away, her blonde hair tumbled down her back in waves. And it swished and swayed while she worked. She walked over to the kitchen window and placed all the food on the trays, and laughed at something that the chef told her. Alex nudged you and you twisted to look at him. “What?”

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