: : Part III : :

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: : Part III : :


Saturday, February 2nd, 2013 | Sydney, Australia | Carson {20} and Benson {20}

“Mate, don’t question me.” You hear a deep voice echo through the corridor. You ignore the voice and look down at the piece of paper the receptionist gave you when you signed in a few minutes earlier.

Room 5102

Her cursive writing didn’t help you at all, and her directions didn’t get you very far. The hallways were empty, which was to be expected, you did sign in a few days too early. “Mate!” You come to a junction in the corridor and swear mentally. Left or Right? “Mate, do you want me to explain this predicament…” The voice trailed off, looking at you. “Are you lost?”

You take a few moments before you reply. “Sorta, can you tell me where room 5102 is?”

“I can do you one better, I can show you.” He smiled, and you mentally cringed. That was what you feared. “It isn’t that far actually.”

You walked over towards him, and you observed him. He leant on the door frame, with his legs hooked around each other. “Honestly directions are fine.” Then you see it. On the door, four numbers were embedded onto it.


“So we are roommates?” You ask stupidly.

“Yes we are.” He smiled, his face lit up and all your hesitation slipped away. He seemed like a nice guy.

“Good luck with that one, he is a jerk.” A voice says from behind you and look towards it. A large figure is standing there mirroring the roommate. He was easily double the size of him and you chuckle inwardly.

“Hey, moron,” pause, “fuck off.” Your roommate says to the big guy and you shot him a smile. “Fuckwit,” he muttered under his breath. “Now, roommate, allow me to give you the grand tour.” He opened his arms and gestured for you to enter the room. He followed you in.

“It’s…” You say, looking for an appropriate adjective.

“Punctual?” He offered.

“Yeah.” You nod.

“I think that is what they were aiming for.” He laughed. “So this is it… oh, apart from we are one of the only male rooms with a bathroom with a shower.” He stated, like it was the best thing in the world.

You smile at him, and plonk your bags down next to your bed in the corner, you know it was your bed due to the fact that it is the only one, out of the two, which was tidy. The roommate’s bed was messy, and his side of the room seemed like a tornado hit it. “What is up with the mate thing?” You blurt out, instantly regretting it once the words hit the oxygen in the room.

“Nothing, Carter hates it. So I use it a lot when he is around.” He laughed and you join him.

“I’m Carson, by the way.” You extend your hand offering it to him.

He took your hand, and smiled. “Benson.” 

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