: : Part XLVIII : :

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: : Part XLVIII : :


Cherrie and you mother kept talking, but Sienna began to squirm slightly. And out of habit you entangled your fingers with hers. Her figure stiffened suddenly and untangled her hands with yours.

"Sienna," you whispered, and before you could apologize for your actions she was up and flew out of the restaurant. And without thinking you were up after her.

She was standing in an empty parking lot. Underneath a street lamp, her blonde hair shined bright in the dim light. You just stood there, your palms were sweating, arms stiff. Your breath hitched in your throat. What beauty, you think. Staring at her, her exterior was perfect, but her interior... God, she made a prophet look like a drunk slob. Your voice stuck in your throat, and you couldn't voice how amazing she looked. You thought about Alex, he'd murder you, no second thought about it, he'd kill you with his bare hands. And you'd let him. But then, in that moment, you couldn't care less, Alex's murderous hands meant nothing to you. Every part of you, every being, wanted you to sweep her off her feet and kiss her. The type of kiss that sends her knees buckling, and that she measures all other kisses from that moment on. But you remembered, you hurt her. You remembered her saying goodbye, asking is you if you ever loved her. How could either one of you been so blind!

She was beautiful!

"Sienna," you finally said.

She turned to you. One look in her eyes and you saw it. She knew.

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself...I screwed up everything. It wasn't..." You trailed off.

"I know." She said. "But, it would be selfish of us, Carson." Sienna said, walking slowly towards him, cautiously like he was a lion and she was the lamb.

"Completely." You whispered, stepping forward, staring deep inside her eyes and down to her plump, delicious, edible lips. You groan.

"We shouldn't," she whispered, tears pooled at the brim of her blue eyes.


"Yeah," she was a breath away, you could touch her.

"God." She said, pulling you down to her by your white buttoned shirt. Your lips hit hers, and you could almost die. She felt amazing, it felt amazing to be with her again. You thought you'd never be this close with her again.

Her lips were your ecstasy, you couldn't get enough and you knew you'd regret it in the morning. Although...honestly, you would never regret this moment.

"Isn't this sweet," A voice, announced, pulling you away from her, but your arms still holding Sienna's tiny body against yours.

Alex stood right next to you, and you felt Sienna freeze in your arms.

"Alex..." She whispered, "Please."

"This is a new low for you, Carson." Alex shook his head. "How long have you been doing this? How long have you been lying to me?"

"I..." You started not knowing what to say, how you could calm him down.

Sienna pulled from your embrace, and the cold night air removed all memory of her body being pressed against yours.

"It's not his fault." Sienna said. "I kissed him too."

Alex's jaw clenched, "I thought you were better than that." Sienna recoiled, like he hit her.

"Alex, stop." You seethed. "I understand you're hurt-" he cut you off.

"You're reaping the fucking benefit's from my sister! Carson, you're my best friend. You were like my brother." Alex all but screamed.

"I love her, Alex." Sienna looked wide-eyed at you and then turned away. "I don't when it happened, but it did, and I couldn't tell you. You wouldn't... you would react like this. I love her, I don't what you want me to do?"

"She's my sister, and you knew she was off limits. She was the one person I couldn't stand be used by a man. And you used her, I asked you to watch out for her," Alex tried to calm down, but failed when he screamed, "Not fuck her in your dorm room!"

It was your turn to recoil, and Sienna spoke. "You talk about me like I'm not here, Alex. You, ass. I don't sleep around, he loves me and understands. I can't talk to you anymore." Tears fell down Sienna's cheeks and she turned to run away. She ran five strides and turned around again. "You never asked me how I felt. How hard it was for us to do this, we knew you wouldn't understand. But I fell love, brother. And he's the only person I trust, being here, at university is hard. And I didn't know how to be anything but a small-town, country girl, who, also, is an orphan. And Carson was there. And I didn't know how much I could care. That I still had that much in me. I didn't know that I could move on from what happened, and now that I'm moving on...you're pushing me right back." And with that Sienna walked away.

"God damn it." Alex yelled, hitting your ute with his hand.

"Not my ute," you mumble under your breath.

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