: : Part XXXV : :

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: : Part XXXV : :

Sienna’s head tilted back and her high pitch laughter tumbled out of her mouth. Your hands clutched at the steering wheel, guiding the car smoothly among the gravel ridden road. The drive to the lake took a few hours; the group of friends organized and planned to take three cars, Benson’s, Alex’s and yours. Which left you in the car with Sienna. And, honestly, you didn’t mind at all, in fact, you enjoyed it.

Sienna told you story after story of pointless library sessions with Avery. She told you about drunken moments, and party meltdowns.

Things that happened that you weren’t apart of, things that happened in the past four months.

Sienna continued speaking, but you weren’t listening. Your attention was between the road and her eyes. You watched how they changed expression; during different parts of what you were almost positive was an amazing story. Your eyes lowered slightly to her lips, plush and pink, then to her collar bones, then to her shoulders. The straps of white bikini peaked up from behind her low hanging sun dress. Your mind wandered back to the time where she wore those exact swimmers. Back to when your skin touched hers and only two small pieces of clothing separated you from her.

You groan at the images and the thoughts that played out in your head and gripped the steering wheel tighter.


Once you arrive at the house, you park the car next to Alex’s and stop the engine, your hands still clutching the wheel. Sienna spoke again, walking out of the car shutting the door behind her. You followed her path, and grabbed your bag from the back of your truck.

Sienna was gone. She was already in the house talking to Avery. You sighed, and wanted to fall onto a bed and just lie there for hours, not moving, not thinking, just existing.

But at that moment, you didn’t have a bed, but you did have the side of your truck. And you leant on that, giving your baby all your worries and doubts.

You stayed that way for a few minutes.

“It’s not so bad.” Benson said from next to you.

“It’s not? I spent a few hours with her and spent the whole time trying not to jump her and take her.”

“It’s not so bad.” Benson repeated.

“In a moving car, Ben, I wanted to be with her in that way in a moving vehicle.”

“You aren’t stupid Carson, learn to trust yourself. I know you. I know you wouldn’t do that… You would pull over first.”

“Benson.” You sighed.

“Alright.” He held up his hands in defeat. “You are friends though? After your bitch fight and your PMS time. You two are now all good, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Benson nodded.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because Avery and I have a plan… While you and Sienna were getting here, we were busy putting plan ‘Carsenna’ in action.”


“Yes, your ship name.”

“Our ship name…”

“You know, ship… An unrealistic relationship that causes the people outside of the ship emotion pain due to their love and affection for this pair. It also causes them much pain and misery forcing them to scream about their ‘feels’ and complain about how it is as true as true love can get.” Benson explained.

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