: : Part XIII : :

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: : Part XIII : :

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 | Sienna Parker’s Family Home, Western Australia | Carson {17} and Sienna {15}

The night was cold… well; actually the early morning air was cold. It had held something that sent a stray shiver down your spine. You walk out of the Parker’s home and start the short distance to your home…but you don’t get that far. In fact, you only get to the front deck. And there sat Sienna, her hair was let loose and cascaded down her back in waves; her pyjama shirt clung to her body and her shorts puffed out revealing her legs.

Her body was still, so you knew that she wasn’t aware of your presence. You walked over to her, and sat next to her. She looked over at you, and then averted her attention back to the stars.

“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light…” You recite your favourite lines of a poem.

“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” Sienna finished. “What do you think it is about?” She asked.

“I think that it’s about love and the sweetness of something, as to not fear the pungency of the rind… looking past the thorns of a rose to smell the sweetness of the flower.”

“I don’t know.” Sienna spoke eventually. “I think, maybe, it’s about life, love… I don’t know.”

Neither of you speak for a while, just happy sitting next to each other. Enjoying each other’s company. “Why are up so late?”

“I like to think of it as being up early…” Sienna trailed off.

“Well, then why are you up so early?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“I am up because your brother can’t seem to play PlayStation by himself.” You look at her, and she seemed content with your answer.

“I can’t sleep.”


“I don’t know, I can’t stop thinking.”

“What do you think about?” You ask her.

“Nothing…everything…depends.” She started. “Sometimes I think about you.” She whispered.

You turn to her and look at her; the moon light illuminated her skin. She was beautiful. You want to kiss her, kiss the living hell out of her. Kiss her every inch of her skin. You want to be with her. But you can’t…her brother would murder you. But, if you were honest, that isn’t the reason why you don’t try anything. You are terrified, no, beyond terrified, that she will reject you or you hurt her. But mainly you don’t want to hurt her.

You look at her lips and she looks at yours.

“Why do you think about me? In what context.” You ask.

“Sometimes as a friend…sometimes, not.”

Her lips were so kissable. She was so perfect, it wasn’t fair. You love her, you love everything about her…but you can never have her. But you want to try. 

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