14 - The big day

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- Lilith's pov -

Today's the big day I thought as I looked out the window in the small abandoned house I was in. It was close enough to the castle but was still hidden off. I turned my attention towards the door as the doorknob moved. Two brothers had walked in, the Stabbingtons. "Finally you guys showed up. I was starting to think you two didn't have the guts to do this job," I said and chuckled slightly to myself soon stopping. as then ended up giving a look. "some people are cranky, anyway do you have everything..?" One of the brothers nodded back in response, "then let's go. Also if you mess up this plan and we live say bond voyage." I said as I walked up the stairs to head up onto the roof to get over to the castle.

Soon enough we were on top of the castle, I looked back at them and nodded. Let the climb begin I thought, I started the track down one of the roofs on top of the castle. we got to a stopping point as we saw a guard walk around down below and I heard them talking. Oh they were in for it I thought as I continued jumping and climbing the roofs and stone as the guards kept moving on by.

Finally we had made it on top of where the throne room would be. Where most importantly the crown would be. I took the view in for a moment and looked over the ledge, down at the village until it reached the forest and a little bit of water. "Wow- I could really get used to a view like this.." I said slightly in awe as I still looked out over the view.


"Hold on- yeah I'm used to it. Guys I want a castle."

"Well after we finish this job, then you can get your own castle. Now come on." One of the brothers said, before I could responded one had pulled me back away from the edge by my vest. I gave them both a look as I tied a rope around my waist. even if this was a bitch i would be the face of the one who took it, I thought as I was hoisted down.

The crown soon coming more into view as I got closer to it. The room and the crown where even better in person even if there sigil was everywhere. I snapped out of my thoughts, as I was finally close enough to reach the crown. I carefully picked it up and put it in the satchel.

Don't be stupid Don't be stupid Don't be stupid

I looked at the guards who just stood there and smiled wickedly. Before I could make a remark at them I was hoisted back up onto the roof. "Lets go gentlemen" I said as I untied the rope and started our way down the castle. haha and he thought this was a suicide mission I thought to myself. Our escape route was through the garden in the back of the castle. Since it was the closet to the forest, where we could lose some of the guards if they went after us. Thankfully the guards at this time of day weren't heavily guarding the area.

We started running through the garden as soon as we hit the ground to the forest that was behind it. "Can't you picture me in a castle of my own. Because I certainly can." I said as I gave a quick look behind me, they just growled back in response. "all the things we've seen and its only 8 in the morning," I said as I stopped and gave one look back at the castle. That's when I saw him.

Prince charming.

Dean Winchester.

He was on his balcony overlooking the garden.  He was wearing a white button down that wasn't fully buttoned up and black pants. His his hair was slicked back. He looked handsome..

I snapped out of my day dreaming quick as one of the brothers tugged on my shirt slightly.

Come on Lilith focus.

I still kept my eyes on Dean. Ignoring the glare that the brothers had given me and those four words screaming at me. We finally locked eyes with each other which felt like longer than it was. I looked away from him quick as I heard guards and others shout. Soon enough followed by the sound of footsteps and hooves heading in our direction. We started back up running again, we stopped to catch our breath by a tree with some wanted posters. I looked at the wanted poster of myself.



That went out quick.. I thought to myself and chuckled to myself. I groaned as I looked back and saw Charlie, Benny, the newbie and some other guards not to far behind us. I put the wanted poster into the satchel and the three of us started running again.

After running again for what only felt like seconds the brothers halted I dodged out of there way and continued on running till I stopped to.

Shit just my luck

I thought as I looked at the cliff in front of us, we had gotten ourselves into a ditch and the only way was up. thats when an idea came to mind, I turned back and looked at both of the brothers as they looked back at me. "Give me a boost and I'll lift you boys up." they both just shook their heads. great. "Give us the satchel first." the older brother asked. I gasped offended in response to their offer.

"I cant believe after all we've been through together you don't trust me." They gave me a bitch face look back, I rolled my eyes and took off the satchel. I handed it over to them. They started to create a human latter as I climbed up I snuck the satchel back from them. I smirked to myself as I got up on top of the cliff.

I looked down at the older brother as he reached his hand out to take. "Help us up now pretty girl" I just smirked down at him he gave me a look back knowing that something was up. "Sorry boys but I got my hands full." I said and revealed the satchel to them. I got up and started running again when I saw guards not too far once again behind them.

they just keep on coming..

"Ruby!!" I could hear one of them yell off in the distance. I wish I could have seen the looks on their faces. I started speeding up when I heard movement come up from behind me. Soon enough I heard shots of.. arrows.

oh they've upgraded

I managed to get away from them and one fail swoop. Sometimes horseback wasn't alway the best choices to make. I looked back at the guards and possibly knights that I stopped and smirked. I recognized that Charlie. I glared at her for a bit and she gave me a death glare back.

That red haired bitch.

Your favorite knight is really great love.

I just laughed and then started on running again this time towards the cabin. Wasn't time for a celebration just yet. The satchel by was at my side with the crown.

the heir to the thrones crown.
Dean Winchester crown.
my lovers crown.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳              {𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦!𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘯}Where stories live. Discover now