4 - Thought

7 0 0

- Lilith pov -

A pillow was thrown at my head. "Rise and shine sleepy head" I heard Jordan say as I quickly sat up and then groaned. My head throbbing as I threw the pillow back at him.
I gave Jordan a death glare, as I reached over to the almost empty whiskey bottle besides me. "Hey!" I said groggily as he took the bottle from my hand. "Come on you had enough just look at you..." he trailed off and looked me up down.

I chuckled and ran a hand threw my hair. "Someone's still good a reading people huh" I grinned back at him as he rolled his eyes in response. He walked back over to the dresser and placed the bottle onto it, then turned back to me. "Hey before you leave can you at least take a shower.. you reak." he said and smiled and quickly left the room. I thew the pillow at the door.

That bitch

- Deans pov -

I woke up to my shades being opened. I groaned as a rubbed my eyes.

Didn't I tell them to stop coming in..

"This is our job remember." Claire said as she looked at me, Morgana laughed. I rolled my eyes at the two of them. "Now come on your majesty and get up. Daddy dearest wants to see you in the throne room." Morgana said as she took out a outfit from my closet and placed it on the bed. "That one.." I said looking down at the outfit and back up to her. "You want to pick out your own outfits." She shot back giving me a look. I huffed in response. Remembering the bad outfit choices..

those were the times.

They both turned there backs, as I got up and quickly got dressed. They came back over and fix my hair and outfit up a bit. Then left the room, I looked at myself in the mirror. It had been a while since I talked to my father. Last time I was saving both he and Sam, from getting into a fight. Still surprised he didn't give us a beating for that.

Everything was okay growing up
till sammy was born. Something one night clicked in him. Dad, the next day called up the troops, officials, and everyone. Planning to go into battle. I grew up quickly, always there for my little pain in the ass brother. Who I had to save his skin more times then once. Mainly against arguments with dad. They both really didn't see eye to eye anymore. Sometimes I didn't but I put up with it. But even with all that someone deep down we both cared for him, and loved him.

It was hard alone being in the royal family but at the same time being next in line for the throne was harder then what it's meant out to be. All the 'must do and 'must don'ts. Sometimes it got on your nerves and was definitely sometimes not bearable.

I shook my head to myself as I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, "when did you ever escort..?" I said as I looked at them, she gave me a look back. "Since now your majesty." She said back as she stepped out of the way so I could walk out. We both walked toward the throne room. "So are we off to see the thief tonight." She said only for us both to hear, breaking the silence between us. "I- uh.." I could tell that my face flushed slightly.

Thank god..

I thought as we reached the throne room. I tried to push the thought of ruby away as I stepped into the throne room. My father quickly looking at me as I walked in.

"Good morning"

"Good morning father. You asked to see me..?"  I said as I took a step forward towards him.

"Yes, with your coronation coming up in a few months I thought we would have a chat." He said giving me a look. That I couldn't quite put my finger on what emotion shot through his eyes. I gave him a look back. "Haven't we talked about basically everything.."

"Your mother and I have been talking. About YOU finding that special someone to rule by your side with. You know we don't push these things on you. Not that I know you won't rule the kingdom right, but we both feel like it will be good for you. As well as for the kingdom..."

My mouth opened slightly in shock at his words. Before you could respond back with at least something he spoke again.

"Please just think about it..son.."

"I will." I said back as I turned my back to him and walked out of the throne room.


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A/N - wow never did I think that one of my stories or really any at that would hit #1 in there rank but some how this puppy did and I can't be more happy and thankful. I hope y'all are enjoying it so far.

What do y'all think is going to come of this news..?

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