Chapter 6

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Disney World was so much fun. And Niall and I have been texting a lot.  Today the girls want to lay low and chill so I told them I was going to the park to take pictures with my camera. Photography has always been one of my passions. It was around 5pm and the sun light was glistening through the trees.
   "Savannah? Hi!" Someone called behind me.
"Niall? What are you going here?" I responded in shock, seeing him in public.
"Hi! I just came out to get some fresh air. We've been recording all day." He greeted. I decided to walk with him.
   " disguise?" I started. "Where's Paul?" I joked. He laughed, then we walked together. We talked until the sun was about to set.
   "Well..I'd better go back to the apartment now. Bye Niall!" I said, giving him a quick side-hug. I turned to walk to my car..
   "Savannah?...wait. Please." So I stopped and turned towards Niall, who looked unusually nervous.
   "I-I really like you, if you couldn't tell. I don't know you very much, but I want to. Would you like to go out with me sometime?" He nervously asked.
   I couldn't help but blush. I mean was this really happening? Was I really getting asked out by the guy of my dreams? Niall Horan?
" that a yes?" He questioned. I snapped out of my shock.
I smiled, "Niall, I'd love too!" I ran into his arms. I felt so safe, but I quickly back away and I think he felt the awkwardness. I just can't get wrapped up in this. I like him too, but I don't want to get hurt and he's just going to leave after this summer. But it's one date. I see no harm.
   To break the silence I asked, " do you want to go?"
  He excitedly replied,"Would tomorrow night work? Oh! And wear something casual."
   "Okay. Where are we going?" I questioned.
   With his cute smile, he responded, "Just be ready, it's a surprise! I'll pick you up at 6?" I nodded with excitement. I gave him the address of the apartment then he walked me to my car and I said goodbye with another hug.

*At the apartment*

As I opened the apartment door, I screamed a little 😂.
   "Well someone is happy!" Maddie called, while walking into the living room.
   "Ummm yeah! I guess so? I have a date tomorrow night with Niall Horan!" We started jumping around screaming and laughing. Eventually, Nicole came in, with her nails drying, and asked about the commotion. I explained to them about Niall coming and we all got excited.

•Niall's POV•

   She said yes! I can't wait til tomorrow. As I walked into the hotel room, I noticed the boys sitting on the couch playing Mariokart.
   "Where were you? You missed Liam destroying Harry in this race." Zayn laughed. As I set my car keys and phone down in the table of our hotel room, I took a deep breathe and answered,
   "I was at the park.....and I ran into Savannah." They paused their game and focused on me. "I asked her out...and she said yes." They all came around me in excitement for me. I felt the blood rush to my head, making me blush.
   "Ahh. Nialler I knew you could do it. You're just so charming." Louis joked, while lightly slapping my face. We all laughed and then I joined them in Mariokart.

*The Next Day*
•Savannah's POV•

   I woke up around 9am to the sound of the boys new song, You & I. The day went by really slow and it was pretty boring. We watched some tv and went to the community pool for a quick tan, but nothing really eventful. At around 3pm we came back to the apartment to get ready. Callie has just got back from Charlie's apartment so she was going to help me get ready too. I took a quick shower, then gathered the girls to my room to pick a nice outfit. I had 2 laying on the bead, but just couldn't decided. I know he said casual but you have to dress to impress. I ended up going with a blush pink summer dress which I paired with my jean jacket and white converse. I wonder where we're going? Hopefully to eat, I'm really hungry.
   I went to the bathroom and Callie curled my hair, while I put on some natural makeup.
   "So what's the plan?" Maddie asked.
   "Honestly? I have no clue. He wouldn't tell me anything. But I'm really hungry so hopefully we get fast food." I explained.
   "You want to get fast food?...With an international superstar? From the biggest boyband on the planet?!?!" Callie questioned with a disbelieving scoff.
   Nikki patted her shoulder and said, "Oh Callie. My dear cousin. Savannah is a very simple girl."
   "At least for the first date." I protested. "But I don't mind nice restaurants and picnics."
"Ooh! There's going to be more dates?" Nikki questioned with excitement. I didn't even realize I said that. But I explained I wasn't committed. They scoffed in disbelief.
Before I knew it, it was 6pm and Niall knocked on the door. He was in a plain black tee and ripped jeans. Oh great! Too nice!!! I shut the door in his face before he could say a word. I rushed into my room to change into the other outfit. I felt bad about the door, but I needed to hurry. I quickly picked up the other outfit. It was my navy blue flower skirt and white top (picture at the top). However, I decided not to substitute converse, but left the jacket. I said goodbye to the girls while I fell out the door (literally), calling for Niall to stop. He was right there, but didn't catch me in time.
   He rushed to my side, laughing, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?"
   I laughed with him then allowed him to help me up. "Yeah I am. Thanks." But he wouldn't let go of my hand until we reached the car. When I sat in the seat, I noticed I was starting to get a bruise from my fall. As he climbed into the driver side he asked,
   "Why were you running out the door?"
   "I thought you were gonna leave after I slammed the door in your face. Sorry about that." I apologized.
   "By the worried expression on your face I guessed that you had forgotten something. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere."
   For now at least. But I quickly pushed that thought out of my head.
   "So now can you tell me what's going on?"
   "Well I guess I learned that you're impatient." He joked. I laughed at this then defensively pouted.
   "Fine. We're going to go to the hotel. Liam and Harry are there, I hope you don't mind. But they said they'd stay out of our way. And we're going to make mini pizzas then watch a movie." He explained.
   "Oh good! Cooking, something I'm good at." I stated.
   "Even better for me. I'm terrible in a kitchen." He explained.
   "As accident prone as I am on first dates?" I laughed.

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