Chapter 1

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"Are you ready to do this?" I nervously asked my best friend, Nicole.
"Born ready." She replied. Then all of a sudden, "And now I would like to welcome up 2 of our seniors, Nicole Richards and Savannah Archer to sing."
We had always teased each other as little girls about becoming famous and singing together. As the crowd clapped we took a breath and began to sing Wherever I Go. It might seem cheesy, but to a bunch of High School Grads it was a sorta sweet and memorable. I can't believe I was going to be a college student at Florida State University this fall! I had always loved visiting Florida, but I'll miss it here in Albany, Georgia. I've lived here ever since I was 6 years old. Soon enough my name was called and I walked down and got my diploma! Four years, gone in a flash.
Then our principal stated, "And now may I present to you, Monroe High School's, class of 2014!" Our caps glided through the air, as screams of excitement were heard throughout the field. Unfortunately for me, mine hit me in the eye. Hopefully it won't look bad in the photos.
"I can't believe we did it!" Madilyn, one of my other best friends said, while hugging Nicole and I. All of our families came around and snapped some pictures of us all together. We did another cap throwing picture (this time I caught it). Nicole & I met in 6th grade. She's blonde, way taller than me (I'm 5'3 and she's like 5'7!!) and was in chorus. And Madilyn & I have known each other since 2nd grade. She's a dirty blonde and the mom of the group. And yeah she's taller than me too 🤦‍♀️ . She went to a different middle school, but we all got close our 9th grade year.

*After the Graduation Party*

"I guess I'd better start packing! Summer vacation starts tomorrow!" I called while hugging my parents and  brother, Christian. I walked upstairs to my bedroom. I had a light purple fuzzy rug, light grey painted walls and a mid-sized wall-in closet, along with a full sized bed. I started packing for my 2 month vacation to Orlando, FL. My parents are coming down on the last week of June, so we won't be so homesick...I guess. Madilyn, Nicole and I are going there this summer for our senior trip. Nikki's older cousin, Callie lives there and is "hosting" us for our trip. Well..not really. She's house sitting for a friend this summer which allows 2 bedrooms. I'm so excited. We don't have plans set in stone, but we're going to a concert (because we won 3 tickets from Capital FM's contest to a One Direction concert!!), Callie's friend has a pool and Disney World is close by as well! So we sorta do have plans 😂. Anyway I leave early tomorrow to pick up the girls.
"I can't believe you're done with high school, Savvi!" My mom exclaimed as she and my dad walked into my room. Yes, I know. I'm parents have called my Savvi ever since I was 6. I don't know why, but it just stuck.
   "Hey do you think when she moves out for college, her room can become a man cave?" Christian, my younger brother, asked. My dad snapped in excitement (like it was a good idea 🙄), but replied with a simple no.
"Well it's 9:30 already." My dad started. Wow! I can't believe the afternoon went by so fast! "You'd better go ahead and get to bed. You have an early morning."
"Alright, thanks. I love you both, goodnight." I stated hugging them, before they exited. Luckily, I was almost finished. I quickly changed into my comfy pants and my good vibes tee, before setting my alarm and turning off my lamp. Ten o'clock pm. Better go to bed, big day tomorrow!

A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for reading this so far! I hope you are enjoying it. Also Madilyn and Nicole have nicknames so...if you hear Maddie and Nikki, that's them.

Summer Love: A Niall Horan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now