Chapter 5

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   I couldn't go to sleep that night, because of our crazy experience. So I got out of bed and went on Netflix where I saw This Is Us, the One Direction Movie. To keep my excitement going I decided to watch it. Apparently, I had drifted off to sleep, because I woke up to the natural light, shining through my window, at around 9:15. I got up and walked toward the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I was lucky enough to get a bed before Maddie and Nikki, who were sleeping on the couches. I changed into my black jeans shorts and black and white striped top.
   "Are we still up for Disney? Just us girls, it's gonna be great!" I asked. Nicole & Madilyn were chuckled. They noticed my confusion and Maddie answered,
   "Yeah. Just us girls.....and some friends."
   In shock I answered, "What?!?! Who-" Then I realized. "You invited the boys of One Direction to go to Disney World?!....With us?" I pointed to our clothes, like we weren't enough to hangout with famous celebs (which we totally aren't).
   Nikki responded, "And they said yes!" I think I almost passed out. I immediately sat down, feeling light-headed. I was about to go to "the most magical place on earth" with the biggest boyband there ever was and will be. I got out my phone to text Niall.

   Hey Niall, it's Savannah! Disney World? You've really never been?

   Hi Savannah! And in my defense.....yeah I got nothing 😂 Yep we'll be there! I can't wait to see you.

   "Ooh." The girls all said in unison. Apparently, I was blushing.
   I swiftly grabbed my Poptarts, then quickly hopped in the shower, before the long day ahead. I walked out to see Callie with Maddie & Nikki.
   "You were singing again." Maddie addressed. I was embarrassed, I didn't like singing alone and standing out.
   "Don't be ashamed, Savannah. Your voice is so beautiful! Hey, are the boys recording here in Orlando?" Callie said. I shrugged,  grabbing my glittery Mickey Mouse headband, while wondering how long they would be here.

*Meeting at the Park*

   It was about 11am when we arrived at the park.
   "Hello miss. Would you help me find....Splash Mountain?" A familiar Irish accent asked behind me. I turned around to see Niall with the brightest smile, so I gave him a welcoming hug.
"Ah. So Nick is American and Irish? Wow!" I playfully joked.
"Yeah, he's very talented." He replied, going along.
   "So guys, what do you want to see firs-?" I asked.
   "Wait!" Louis protested. (A/n: No! Jimmy protested 😂) He walked over to me and pointed at my shirt. "Stripes, really? C'mon Savannah that's my thing." I rose my hands in surrender
    "Okay, Okay. I give up Louis. You win!" I dramatically stated. "....anyway. What's first?"
   "What about....the Spinning Teacups?" Zayn chuckled.
   "Yep its a big thing here. C'mon let's go!" Callie explained like a tour guide. I laughed while pulling Niall towards the ride.

*     *     *     *    

   "That was so much fun. We should definitely use something like that in a music video." Liam stated excitedly, getting off. (A/N: Night Changes? 😂 I'm loving tying these things in! Anyway..enjoy!)

   "Oh! Speaking of a music..before we go to was wondering.." I felt kind of embarrassed asking this. "Never mind. I'm sorry, it's a stupid question." I finished flustered.
   Then Harry said, "No way. There is no such thing as a stupid question."
   Louis coaxed me while falling out of his American accent, "C'mon love, tell us!"
   "Alright. Just..please don't take it the wrong way." They all nodded before I continued. "How much longer while you be here before going back to the studio?" I gazed into Niall's blue eyes, waiting for a response from him.
   "Well...we are going to record here for this summer. We're not going anywhere." He responded.
"You can't get rid of us that easily!" Louis piped while wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
   Big smiles appeared on everyone's faces. I could tell Madilyn & Nicole we're happy too.
   "Good. Hey! Wanna race to the restaurant?" I questioned.
   Callie decided not to race, but she counted us down.
  "3 2-" But before she finished I bolted towards the restaurant.
   I was about to win when I felt someone pick me up, giving Louis and Liam the lead. It was Niall. We laughed as he set me down. We were getting closer before I realized he was trying to kiss me. I playfully turned then kissed his cheek. He blushed a little. I grabbed his hand and we ran to the door of the restaurant. But we lost to Louis and Liam.

Summer Love: A Niall Horan Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now