"Oh? Bonds? Do tell." She hands me the book back and I tuck it into a gap between the couch cushions.

"Well...I think maybe," I mutter kicking a pillow across the pit. "You see, I'm almost certain I have a bond with Ezra, but the thing is...I don't know what to do about it. I also don't know what I want or what to believe in lately. It's just all confusing." The woman's eyes go soft and she reaches a hand towards me, patting my arm soothingly.

"I understand," She hums. "I was like that too when Tyrese asked me to bond with him." My eyes widen and I lift a finger before curling it back down.

"He asked you to bond with him?" She cracks a smile before erupting into joyous laughter; her face reddening as she covers it with her palms.

"Yes! It was...it was a bit exhilarating yeah?" She breathes shakily. Ophelia gives her head a firm shake and claps her hands against her cheeks before continuing.

"Anyway, I was stuck in a rough place because even though I love him, we weren't considered the most compatible. It made me second guess things like was he the one for me? What if I changed my mind later? What if he didn't want me like he said? The bond would take so long to form, and deep down I was scared that in that time period either I would back out or Tyrese would. I was confused and it felt as if I didn't have anyone to console in because no one was trying to bond, they weren't going through what I was." She swipes a strand of her hair away from her eyes and sulks into the couch.

"Bonding is a big deal and it's okay to be unsure about it," Ophelia says while smoothing her hands down her skirt. "I know the process can be very boggling and mentally draining, just know if you ever and I mean ever need anyone to talk to about...bonds or anything, I'm here. I'll listen." I take in a deep breath before standing from my seat, holding the woman's gaze I slowly lean forward until I'm able to wrap my arms around her. She hugs back clasping her hands together.

"So—you said he asked a while ago?" I mumble. She nods once.

"Well, what're your thoughts now? Did they change, do you see yourself bonding with him?" I back away and watch as Ophelia begins cracking a smile.

"You see we're getting married first."

"Married!" I yelp. She jumps from her seat prancing around me excitedly, her reddish-brown hair whipping all over the place.

"Oh yes! He proposed two weeks ago," She erratically fans herself off before shaking her hands out. "And I haven't told anyone yet. You're the first person I told because...I'm terrified the others won't approve. You know with all the rules and all?" She takes in a few shaky breaths before crossing her arms across her chest.

"We've been saving up so that we can leave and buy our own house you know? And...and our contracts are coming to an end, so we won't be legally bound here. We'll be free to start a family."

"That's great." I exclaim clapping my hands together once.

"Yeah," She grabs my hands and squeezes them. "I don't know, but maybe with time, and patience maybe you and Ezra could possibly figure a few things out." I squeeze her hand back and we share an exchange of laughter.


When it comes to bonds note that there a three main developmental stages one must go through before the link can be solidified. The first stage is known as the attraction and compatibility stage. During this process, the subs want to please their Dom and are constantly wanting to be around them. The aura is in the beginning stages of entwining so if one wants to dissolve a bond it is recommended to do it at this stage since hormones and one's biological structure haven't made any enormous changes yet. Be aware of dizzy, drowsy, or feelings of haze. This can be an indicator of this stage. The second stage is the emotionally invested stage. During this stage, auras are melding, and an empathetic link connects the parties together. As talked about earlier, one may begin to feel the emotions of their said Dom or Sub. For Subs, other Doms who aren't their bonded will slowly begin to lose control and authority over the sub. It is possible to dissolve a bond at this stage, but it is not recommended. Trying to break a bond so deep in the linking process can produce psychological issues, and extreme health issues as well. If the party is adamant about dissolving, they should talk to their physician or schedule an evaluation. The last stage is the harmonious stage. During this period auras should finish up melding and hormones should also begin settling once more. Authority from others is completely canceled out, and both Sub and Dom should only be reacting to that of their linked partner. At this point the bond becomes permanent and the body produces oxytocin which imprints on the link.

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