I tried to stay as quiet as I could as I snuck down the stairs. It worked for a little bit but one of the boards creaked from the sudden pressure of my body and I wince at the sound. I could only hope that Mrs. Somers thought it was the house settling, rather than me sneaking around.

I peered around the opening of the kitchen, watching  Mrs. Somers make her way around, prepping and checking on the food. I waited until she was facing the sink, her back turned to me, to dart the opening and to the front door. Opening and closing it gently, I crossed my arms to protect myself my the crisp evening air. The wind picked up a bit, tossing my hair as I shivered.

I quickly made my way to the car, pulling the door closed behind me as I sat in the passenger seat, protecting me from the winds. I sat there and stared at the thick plastic handle that separated me from the medicines. With a heavy heart, I clenched my fists. A tear slipped and I angrily wiped it away. Smacking my hand on the dash, I yanked open the compartment and slammed the package onto my lap before slamming it closed again.

Another tear slipped but this time I let it roll down my face. Taking deep breaths, I calmed myself down. I couldn't go back in the house crying to angry, otherwise, they'd know something was up. Drying my face, I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was reddened and blotchy but could be easily mistaken for the cold. Taking one more breath, building up my courage, I opened the door, trying not to close it loudly behind me, and made my way back inside.

As I opened the door, I was startled to see Mrs. Somers standing in the hall, turning around to see me. I was quick to hide the bag behind the door, out of her site.

"Oh I was calling for you. I didn't even know you went outside!" She laughed. "What are you doing out in the cold?" She turned and went back into the kitchen and I sighed in relief.

"I thought I left something in the car." Which I did, but she didn't need to know. What she didn't know didn't hurt her by any means.

"Okay well, dinners ready. Can you help me set the table?" I bit my lip. I didn't want to say no. Looking around, I quickly stuck the bag amongst the flowers, hidden behind the pots.

"Sure." I agreed and pulled four plates down.

"Oh no, Honey. We only need three tonight. Maverick made a last minute stop and won't be home until later."

"Oh, um, okay." I said, placing a plate back in the cabinet. I finished helping set the table, bringing the food in as Mr. Somers sat down. I thought it was going to be an awkward, silent dinner but it was far from it. After a prayer, Mrs. Somers enthusiasts, bubbly nature came out, bringing along a conversation.

"Oh just look at the flowers Faylyn got me. Aren't they just wonderful." She pointed them out to her husband, who also grinned.

"Lilies are one of her favorite." He clasped her hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. I've seen more affection between them in a few months than I have seen between my parents my entire life.

"I had no idea. I just thought they were pretty." I admitted. Conversation came surprising easy. It was easy to take to them, with their easy going attitude and accepting nature.

"So what do your parents do?" Mrs. Somers asked as I helped her clean the dishes. Mr. Somers offered to help Mrs. Somers sent him to bed, claiming he worked too hard for his age.

"I uh, I don't know their exact job but I know they are predominant in the business networks. They were always busy when I was going up so I never asked. Plus, I thought it would be boring since they worked all the time." I answered honestly but just left off a few details on how they were never home and pretty much ignored me my entire life.

She said she understood and we moved onto a much more upbeat conversation, chattering into the night. We sat at the table drinking tea, aimlessly talking or even just sitting in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other's company and the sounds of the night.

I heard a car pull up and an engine shut of. Maverick's heavy boot could be heard as he walked up the stairs and opened the door. He was surprised to see us at the table.

"What are you doing up?" He covered a yawned and pulled his phone out. "It's almost one."

"Really?" Mrs. Somers turned around and looked at the clock on the stove. "My my look at the time. We've been here for hours." She laughed.

"What are these?" Maverick peered at the flowers and I froze.

"Why Faylyn got them for me. Isn't she so sweet?" She said pouring out our cold tea. I watched as Maverick leaned over and picked up my bag from behind the temporary pots, inspecting the name. Stepping forward, I took it from his hands, not meeting his eyes. I didn't want to know how he looked at me, I couldn't.

"It's late. I think I'm going to head to bed." I turned, holding back tears as I ran up the stairs. Closing the door behind me, I threw the package on the bed and slid down the door, crying into my hands. He knew. He knew I was messed up now and there was nothing I could do. He knew and I desperately didn't want him to.

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