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What is wrong with me?

All I want is for this to go back to normal. I just wish that I had not gone over that house that day, because then we wouldn't be here, but I guess what's done is done, I can't necessarily change the past. What I need to do, is stop acting like a child, and confront taehyung to ask about what happened. I'm not planning on making any rash decisions, after- all, everyone makes mistakes in life, everyone has gotten hurt at least once in their life, promises get broken and heartbreaks are normal. I won't let this small mishap shake my world upside down, as I have to consider my children. Yes, tae hurt me, But that was something that happened a long time ago and it doesn't appear to be affecting our lives now, except for his mom to whom I don't plan on seeing again. Yes, he did keep it from me for a long time, but was it such a bad thing? Knowing my self back then, I probably would have acted rashly, and done something outrageous. I-

"Mommy are you okay?" jungtae asks, breaking me from my thoughts, whipping my checks, me being completely unaware that I was crying.

"Don't worry jungtae, its nothing." I said, putting him next to me to sit, seeing his face turn into a frown and his eyes to get watery.

"M-mommy, do you not l-love M-me a-anymore?" He asked, this absolutely broke my heart. I haven't noticed how much of an effect my actions have been on him. So much so that he thinks that I don't love him anymore.

"M-mommy, you don't call me the other names that I like, you call me jungtae all the time, A-and mommy you don't make bunny pancakes, o-or sing the pretty song for sleepy time a-anymore." He spoke once again, tears now streaming down his face. I picked jungtae up, hugging him close to me, and placing a long lingering kiss to his forehead. 

"Bubba please don't cry. Mommy loves you, and will never ever stop loving you. Mommy just wasn't thinking straight okay? I'm sorry I've been different lately, but I promise that I won't be like this anymore okay? Just don't ever think that I don't love you, cause that will never happen, now please stop crying, it's making mommy sad." I figured it's time I spoke to taehyung.



I went to speak to taehyung, seeing him cuddling with taeyoon. I thought they were watching tv, but they were just laying there, in each other's embrace comfortably, with speakers softly playing a nostalgic playlist, to which I recognized.

I went to both of them, with jungtae in my arms, sitting next to taehyung, resting my head on his shoulder. I felt his body tense up, as he looked over at me in shock. Ignoring his reaction, I held jungtae in my lap, placing a kiss on yoonie's forehead, and laying my head back on taehyung. We sat together in silence for a few minutes until taehyung decided to speak. 

"Jungkook, I'm sorry," he said ever so softly. Before I could say anything, he silenced me in beginning another sentence. 

"I understand that lying to you, was wrong, and I hope you could forgive me. Back then, to reassure you, nothing happened between me and her while we were together. My mind, heart, and soul, was only set on you. There was no one else. I was complying with the marriage, to buy me some time to figure out how to get out of the marriage and getting my parents off my case, all while bringing you up. I didn't mean to lie to you, nor did I mean to hurt you. It pained me to see how you were these past days because of me. I love you. I don't want you to feel like that because of so so-" I cut taehyung off by connecting our lips together at once. I wrapped my arm around his neck, kissing him, for once, taking the lead. this never happens, but I wasn't complaining. We kissed each other for a few more seconds, before pulling away. 

"Kiss somewhere else, I wanna sleep." jungtae says in a very sleepy voice, causing us to chuckle at his cuteness. I laid my head back on tae's shoulder, no words being exchanged, and the two of us just enjoying the presence of each other, admiring our beautiful sleeping children. 

"You're so very handsome, just like your daddy," I whispered, kissing sleeping jungtae, stroking his hair, having him sighing into my touch. 

"And your so very beautiful, just like your mommy," tae says to the sleeping yoonie, causing me to chuckle, looking over at him. 

"Am I forgiven?" tae asked and I nodded.

"I love you," I said, staring into his eyes. 

"Yay, you love me again." He said smiling.

"Who said I stopped TaeTae?" I said causing him to chuckle.   

"I love you baby."

"I love you too," I said pecking his lips.

"I LOVE YOU THREE," JUngtae yelled, and I chuckled

"Aren't you suppose to be sleeping bubba?"

"Shhh, I'm sleeping." HE said causing me and tae to laugh. 

You Make Me Happy [Taekook]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя