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"Wait, daddy, I forgot, who do I call jamless shorty, uncle jimin or uncle yoongi, also what does shorty or jamless mean," Jungtae said, using his fingers trying to figure out who to call who. We've been at this for the past hour, If I have to continue this I'm going to flip. 

"Uncle jimin, and you don't have to know what it means just call him that, okay? if you do, I'll buy you extra banana milk without mommy knowing okay?" I said and his face lit up.

"Uncle jimin, jamless shorty, alright, got it." he said holding his fists up saying 'fighting'. I ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek, leaving him to watching his show, going to find jungkook. Seeing that we leave for namjoon and jin's tomorrow, he was probably packing.

Before going into our room, I went into taeyoon's room, only to see her napping like the little princess she is, sleeping comfortably and soundly.  I went over to her bed, pulling the covers over her, walking out and going to my room, seeing jungkook on the phone while packing a suitcase. 

"Well it should be okay then, I'll see what I can do." He said unaware of my presence.

"I love you and miss you too, see you soon." Now this sentence caught my attention. As he stood up hanging the phone up, I walk over to him pushing him down and the bed, pinning his arms above his head. He looked up at me with a surprise and confused look on his face.

"Who are you telling you love and miss? It sure wasn't me,  or the kids, so who?" I asked, in a very demanding voice. HE looked up at me and rolled his eyes.

"Tae get off, I was taking to chim, we were talking about the trip, now let go my wrists burn," he said and I loosened my grip on him. I honestly felt like an idiot at that moment. 

"oh" I whispered, embarrassed. I heard him chuckle and I looked back at him and I was immediately met with his doe eye's piercing into mines. We held a mini staring contest. 

Laying here, staring into his eyes, was just a beautiful reminder of all the reasons I married this ethereal and uttermost angle right before my eyes. After a few more minutes, jungkook blinked, causing me to chuckle and him to giggle. I peck his lips, causing him to bring his thumb to my cheek caressing it, and me to leaning into his touch, closing my eyes. 

"I love you" he said. I smiled and opened my eyes looking at him. Those 3 words always made my heart flutter, when said by him.

"I love you more baby," I said, pecking his lips once more, and sighing before getting off him. 

I sat up, sitting on the bed while he goes back to packing the suitcase. He stopped abruptly and looked over at me.

"What's jungtae doing?"

"He's downstairs, watching paw patrol," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. He muttered an 'oh' before going back to what he was doing. 

"Chim and yoongi just got to the house, we're gonna be the last ones to arrive, apparently, jin sent a new date in the group chat, but I didn't see one."

"Oh, well that's alright, we aren't in a rush are we?" I asked and he shook his head. I eventually left to go get jungtae ready for bed, and packing the car with the bags, as we plan on leaving early, to reach before night, as jungkook hates driving late at night. 

Due to jungkook being tired from all the packing, we turned in for bed early, resting for the adventures of tomorrow.

I was awoken by small whimpers coming from outside our room door. I sat up in bed, looking over at kook, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, before carefully getting out the bed and going to see what the crying was for.
I went into jungtae's room, only to see him fast asleep, and immediately rushing to yoonie's room, as she knight have awoken and was hungry.

I opened her door, as she abruptly stood up crying.

"D-daddy." She cried, stretching her hands towards me and making grabby hands. My heart sank at the sight before me.

"Awe princess, don't cry..shh..it's okay, look daddy's here now okay?" I said trying my best to calm her down.

As she became calm, I went downstairs, setting her to sit on the counter, going to the fridge and grabbing a box of banana milk, poking a straw throw the box and giving it to her. She started to jump smiling, as she took the box and started drinking. Soon after she pulled away shaking her head.

"Daddy, hat" she gave me the box back.

"No baby, it's cold, I just took it out the fridge and the word is hot not hat," I said correcting her chuckling. She eventually took the box back and finish the milk, before giving me the box back.

"Uh-oh, All done daddy." She said raising her hands above her head and gasping. I chuckled at her cuteness, kissing her cheek, before taking the box putting it in the trash. I went back to her, taking her in my arms walking back to her room hearing her whisper, "night, night daddy," yawning and rubbing her eyes cutely, resting her head on my chest.

"Are you sleepy my princess?" I asked and she closed her eyes without replying.

As I got to her room, she was already fast asleep. I walked over to her bed and tucked her in, Kissing her forehead and walking back to my room, in hopes of falling yet again into a deep slumber, before the sun decides to awaken.

You Make Me Happy [Taekook]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant