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Taehyung decided that he wanted to visit his parents, to have a talk with them, to which I have no idea what about. Even though his mom gets on my nerves, I don't mind being here, since my kids are happy to come visit and I'm only here to please them. 

Tae was currently in another room talking to his parents, and the kids were playing in another room. I was sitting down on my phone scrolling through my Instagram feed, when suddenly, jungtae started crying. I got up running to the playroom, seeing Kim Yuna standing over jungtae, sitting in a bunch of papers, with her hands held up at him. This bitch has got to be fucking kidding me if she thinks she can put her hand on my goddamn kid.  

"What the hell is going on in here?" I yelled.

"M-mommy, halmoni p-pushed me  d-down." He said running towards me crying. My face shot up towards her burning with anger. 

"YOU DO NOT HAVE THE FUCKING RIGHT TO PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY GODDAMN CHILD!" I yelled at her, having taehyung run into the room, followed by his dad and holding taeyoon.

"What's going on in here mom?" taehyung asked.

"D-daddy, halmoni pushed me," he said and tae Hyung looked at her yelling with anger.

"OH shut up taehyung, If your brat of a child didn't touch what isn't his this wouldn't have happened." That was all it took for me to lose all my patience.

"Do NOT call my child a brat, I've seriously had enough with you. I've put up with your haunting remarks towards me, but when you bring my children into this, that is when I step up. I've done nothing to you since I became a part of this family 9 years ago. All you have been doing is being a big bitch to me and I'm seriously tired of sucking up to your old ass. Call me disrespectful, but I could give zero fucks, do not expect my kids to be back over her anytime soon. " I said and turned on my heels to exit the room, but the next thing she says, freezes me in my spot.   

"Would you like me, or your so-called loving husband to tell you exactly why I hate every single bone that makes up your body?"

I didn't stop because I wanted to know why she disliked me, I stopped because of the mention of taehyung.

"Mom, let it go, you've done enough, we're leaving," Taehyung said, and this making me only wanting to know what the hell she was talking about.

"The hell you on about?" I asked turning around. She laughed dryly, and I saw Tae's dad exit the room with my kids.

"You know, I once liked you, for the first 3 seconds of meeting you for the first time, I thought tae would finally have a best friend that's close by him, then he announced you to be his boyfriend, boy was I angry.  If you didn't know jungook, tae was supposed to get married to another business partner of ours, to expand our business. He would always be gone every night, which I soon figured out was you who he was meeting. So while being in an arranged marriage, he was going off and seeing you separately. Upon his announcement of you, the family found out and broke the deal. I thought you knew and was being a slut, but even after finding out that you didn't know, I still hated you as we lost the biggest profit of a lifetime, so while you think taehyung is a total truthful husband, I guess now you know."
With a loss for words, I walked out of the room and went to get jungtae and taeyoon heading to the car while tae trailed behind.

I was feeling a lot of things at this moment, and I just didn't know what emotion to show, so I kept a blank face. I was beyond angry and upset. A little disappointed too and many more emotions, but the strongest I felt, was the pain.

Taehyung and I have been together for many years, never once in his life did he mention being in a 'relationship' I even asked. And he said never. Same goes for his mom, he knew why she hated me, yet he would act as if he didn't know. Just why would you do this tae? I whispered to my self, trying my best to compose myself in front of the kids.

"Mommy" a voice called

"Yes jungtae" I answered very nonchalantly.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know" I replied, causing the car to be silent for the rest of the way home. I didn't want to sound so cold and distant speaking to him, but at this exact moment. All focus had left my mind. 

You Make Me Happy [Taekook]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt