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The days continue the same, jin awakening them very morning with his pink pots and pans, while they complain. Him being in charge of all the food that's cook. The kids playing and having fun while the adults bicker and made fun of each other. 

They all were excitedly happy, and grateful, that they were lucky enough to have this close of a friend group to call their family. Being together again, after many years, sitting down and joking around like old times. 

"You know, I never knew that I needed this vacation this much. I haven't realized how much I missed you guys. Yes, we all have matured and changed in our own ways, but in some ways, we are still the boys from back then. If there is anything I learned from this trip, it is how grateful I am for you guys." Jin said to the group, as they were all comfortably sitting around a campfire, enjoying one final night together, while the kids slept.  

Because of jin's speech sparking a moment of reminiscent, there they sat, conjuring up memories from the past, with the bright and beautiful night sky full of stars looking down at them. 

A moment later Jimin stood up, with yoongi following behind.

"Goodnight guys, I'm gonna turn in," Jimin said, walking towards Jungkook hugging him. 

"Yoongi-hyung, you better make sure you are just gonna go sleep, we don't need you planting another seed, while there is a fruit about to be ripe,"  Jungkook said, earning a glare from yoongi and while the others laughed. 

"Same here guys, I have to mentally prepare my mind for driving with those kids. Oh wait, for those who wanna have fun time, there's a button you can press on the remote and the things go up in the wall, which makes it sound proud. Now good night and thank you." JIn said rushing off pulling namjoon by his hands. 

After the others left, Hobi and the taekook couple stayed out a bit more talking, before going to each prospective rooms. 

As Jungkook and Taehyung approached their room, kook went straight to the balcony, wanting to stare at the night sky just once more. Taehyung came behind him, hugging his waist, and kissing his necking, having Jungkook lean into his touch.

Taehyung turned Jungkook around, pulling him closer and capturing his lips for a passionate yet slow kiss. His hands traveled down to Jungkook's lower half, picking him up and bringing him inside the room, locking the balcony door, using his foot. 

You Make Me Happy [Taekook]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin